[STEAM] Trading Cards

Yeah ? wtf lol , i've got random drops that might be pretty good. I need to get into this steam day trading.
o_O' what hat?

it was a ye olde baker boy (scout) with a green glow to it. I asked a buddy he said 160-200 so I put it for 220 and it sold /shrug

I unboxed it years ago, so it's probably discontinued or something. I looked into vintage items and crates, they all sell for nothing at all.
Yeah since I never actually played TF2 after they introduced the F2P junk I don't think any of the hats/whatever i have are worth a damn.
unusuals can only be unboxed from crates.

You need to buy the keys to open the crate. I think the chance of an unusual is like 2-5% or something. Unusuals have a random visual effect. Some are far more valued than others. I think the flies are one of the more worthless ones, not sure what's the most valuable tho.

Anyway, with the baker boy hat, i saw the low-end value of $80, and the high end was $320. Pretty big spectrum.
I never got into the trade community of TF2, but some regulars on the server I played on made a couple thousand off trading items until they got some good unusual hats to sell. This was all done through the forums and paypal transfers at the time. If the steam market existed back then I probably would've done it too.

But I haven't really played TF2 in a couple years now, so this was a nice surprise to find I had something of value from I game I don't even play anymore
Wow these sell crazy fast, I've only made like $3 but I just don't understand why people are actually buying these things.
After you make a badge? can you then find four more cards? I'm trying to figure out how this works exactly. I'm also trying to decide if i should sell these cards now for 30 cents or so or if they may actually be worth more farther down the road.
Meh, should probably hang on to them, Say i start off with 24 cards or so, If i can sell them now for 33c each, that's only 8 bucks. If i don't sell them now, It's possibly $8 lost, but no telling what I could make off of them a month from now =/
I'm pretty sure they'll only depreciate over time.

of course, as new games get added, the community pool of cards will be much lower than the rest of the games, so demand there will be high for some time.

I think after you get your free cards, it's boosters from there on out, regardless of badge completion.

I saw some foils going for ~$20 or so. Hoping for some of those, lol. Money for nothing and the games for free /DS
Since there is a theoritical limit to the number of cards that can drop (3 x # of copies sold) and if they keep getting bought up to finish the badges meaning they get taken out of the system. I foresee them being worth more, but you're probably going to have to wait a long time.
Since there is a theoritical limit to the number of cards that can drop (3 x # of copies sold) and if they keep getting bought up to finish the badges meaning they get taken out of the system. I foresee them being worth more, but you're probably going to have to wait a long time.

Not if they get replaced with booster packs.
do you have to be playing the game to get the booster pack? or do you just have to have already gotten your limit of card drops?