[STEAM] Trading Cards

anyone feel like trading?

willing to trade a few things for any cards in the following games:
Borderlands 2
Alan Wake
Left 4 Dead 2
Portal 2
Half Life 2
Super Meat Boy
Brutal Legend

willing to trade for single card for the following coupons:
50% Victoria II
75% off Serious Sam HD
50% off Forge
50% Limbo
50% Garry's mod
* COUPONS ONLY VALID UNTIL July 6th - tomorrow!

Willing to trade the following games for a full set of cards (ie, 1 badge) for any of the above games
Civilization V
Poker Night at the Inventory
I have a KRATER coupon if anyone wants it.

And 9 copies of Dota 2 to give away. Why do they keep giving me these things?
so the Mystery Cards have an updated design that have an airplane on them as well as a dashed travel line (think indiana jones)

also TF2 is now dropping baggage tickets that open special crates at a later date

looking more and more likely like steam summer sale is this thursday...although weird that hl2 is one of the midweek madness deals and doesn't end until 4pm Thursday pacific time.
so the Mystery Cards have an updated design that have an airplane on them as well as a dashed travel line (think indiana jones)

also TF2 is now dropping baggage tickets that open special crates at a later date

looking more and more likely like steam summer sale is this thursday...although weird that hl2 is one of the midweek madness deals and doesn't end until 4pm Thursday pacific time.

I think it's July 11th to the 22nd or 23rd or something based on what I have been seeing.
Back up to $1.60 in trading cards... would have been more if the Market wasn't being difficult.

I 'crafted' up to level 10 so I can get the +20% chance at a booster pack, now I see no reason to go to level 20, so I'll probably just sell all the other cards.