[Politics] I'm undecided. Help me get data.


Veteran X
After really looking at the issues involved, and both candidates, I'm not sure Kerry's going to be a better president. Though bush may have gotten us into some stuff I wish he hadn't. I'm not at all sure Kerry will get us out without fucking us over more.

And I refuse to vote a straight party ticket, as I think both parties are at essence no longer in anyway about the people. Or even the country, but soley about what forwards them the most.

So I need to see the issues, is there any site that states, unbiased, from the candidates mouth, what they are for and against?
Here are 59 reasons to vote for Kerry over Bush:

Oh Nos! Cheney wants you to be scared of the evil terrorists!

US death toll in Iraq passes 1000. What did we gain?

Bush lied about service, just like everything else.

Great. More time, money and US lives wasted. For what?

A vote for Bush is a vote for evangelism

Crunching numbers to see why Bush is a loser:

Bush - Faster than a speeding flip flopper!

Bush's kids seem almost as dumb as he does. Flawed genes?

Bush will win the war on terror? No! Wait! He won't!

Bush is wrong on Iraq - Only billions of dollars later. How many dead?

Bush campaign is caught in illegal campaign activities - running scared.

Sweet. Add abortion to the list of Freedoms you are/will continue to lose.

Bush & cronies manipulate terror alerts to scare you to vote for them.

The truth about Bush & his policies come out.

Not even the son of Reagan likes this fucktard.

It's time to devote time and effort to remove this clown.

Bush never did serve his country. He was off sniffing coke.

Why republicans are running scared & posting 100's of threads.

Bush lies about security. He couldn't keep his own RNC secure, let alone USA.

Terrorism actually increased under Bush. Vote Bush for a less safe world.

Smart people don't like Bush. Dumb people do. Pretty simple.

Separation of church & state? Not if Bush had his way.

Kerry with a bandaid? Bush couldn't even show up.

Oh look. Musicians don't like this assclown either.

Bush ignored terror while taking a year on vacation. He is to blame for 9/11.

The terrorists behind 9/11 want Bush to win again. He's their best recruiter.

WMD never existed.

Bush was to blame for WMD. Not the CIA.

Bush gets raped even harder by Clinton than he will be by Kerry.

Bush campaign slogans

Bush has accomplished a LOT! Too bad none of it is any good for anyone.

National debt tops 7 trillion under Bush. The largest debt ever.

Bush is great. He helps Iraqi's get free. And other nations get jobs.

Bush wants the truth about WMD. A little late, though?

Even those in Bush's own party think he's a fucktard.

Bush planned to attack Iraq before 9/11. Then lied about 9/11 to do it.

Jobs down the toilet. But hey, at least people in India have work, right?

Even google thinks Bush is a miserable failure.

Bush makes a good monkey.

Bush supports regimes that support terrorists. Yes, the ones in 9/11.

"That moron fucks up everything he touches" OMGROFLOLCOASTER

Even Powell knows Bush is an assclown and can't wait to get out of there.

Bush lied about everything.

What did he lie about? A lot of stuff.

Bush says he's conservative, but he spends your money like a drunken liberal sailor. Maybe you should wonder why.

Bush makes Nixon look like a liberal.

Bush says he is a Christian while Jesus was opposed to the accumulation of wealth by the rich while the poor suffered.

Bush says he is anti-terror yet his entire family and it's wealth is based on OIL. Guess what fuels muslim terrorism?

Bush says that 9/11 was a terrible day in American history. Why then does he try to exploit it for political gain every chance he gets?

Bush's campaign slogan - "We have to fight dirty. If we were to fight on the issues, we would lose for sure."


Kerry will roll back the tax cut on the richest 1% of Americans, helping to stop the bleeding going on with the national debt.

Kerry will not appoint judges based on their belief that abortion is unconstitutional.

Kerry will study problems, get groups of experts together, and come up with solutions, rather than deciding the solution first, then finding a few experts who will support that.

Kerry won't make decisions contingent on preferred religious beliefs.

Kerry won't stick your kids with the burden of paying back our debt, cleaning up our pollution, and regaining as allies countries we have pissed off.

Kerry has not hidden a drunken driving conviction or refused to answer drug use questions.

Kerry didn't out and out lie about where the bulk of his tax cut was going.

Kerry will find an alternative form of energy so that Abdul can sit on his worthless oil and there's no need for our troops to raid his holy lands.

Election 2004 is a lot like an IQ test. If you vote for Bush, you fail.
my advice: don't come here for political advice.

altthough misguided, mad props to noyetti for effort.
Welp. If you support gay marrige....I cant think of anything else on the dem ticket.

Or, if you want to invade more evil countries

nvm, this post fell apart. Im not voting either douche bag, the General didnt make it to even a VP position. So I care.

So long as we're invading some country, Ill be happy.
If kerry's supporters include noyeti, orbital123, el smack, clu, icfire, al muktard, every trust fund anarchist out there, michael moore, and the folks in peta who claim milk is bad for you.. im voting for the other guy.
triple said:
If kerry's supporters include noyeti, orbital123, el smack, clu, icfire, al muktard, every trust fund anarchist out there, michael moore, and the folks in peta who claim milk is bad for you.. im voting for the other guy.

thread appears to gotten off topic, i was under the assumption that you were not looking for others opinions, just facts. to restate:

Your Question: where can you find unbiased info on politics?

Answer: www.loc.gov , if you want to research voting records on bills use the http://thomas.loc.gov/ link. You can also research Bush's voting record http://www.whitehouse.gov .

now this could take you some time, but if you are serious about casting your vote to the best of your ability, it will be well worth it. At the very least, educational.
Notice: Republicans cannot produce evidence of positive things Bush has done which even remotely approaches the number of things Bush has fucked up in this nation. All they can do is offer up some braindead attack, and then slinker off. This reminds me of the RNC.

If you want to be a brain dead zombie and vote with absolutely no clear reason to do so, vote for Bush. Bush's entire capaign theme revolves around the lie that he has made the country safer. A lie that countless facts and figures, top CIA directors, his own anti-terror pals, and leading anti-terrorism experts have come out DIRECTLY to say was bullshit. His other lie is that he has made the country better. A lie that top economists, facts and figures about the national debt and job loss will also come out directly to prove otherwise. Quite frankly the country can do no worse than GWB.

As for Triple, get the fuck out of my chair you little faggot. No one wants you here.
Hey guys, Kerry has never attacked anything Bush has done. He wouldn't even DREAM of going on a smear campaign. All he ever talks about is how he's going to make a positive impact. He has even told everyone what his plans are for the future and specifically how he plans on carrying them out.

noyeti said:
blah blah blah.

STFU already, he just ask for sources.

BTW each candidate has their own sites, but neither is hardly unbiased. I avoid candidates sites because they will only tell me what I want to hear.
noyeti said:
Notice: Republicans cannot produce evidence of positive things Bush has done which even remotely approaches the number of things Bush has fucked up in this nation. All they can do is offer up some braindead attack, and then slinker off. This reminds me of the RNC.

If you want to be a brain dead zombie and vote with absolutely no clear reason to do so, vote for Bush. Bush's entire capaign theme revolves around the lie that he has made the country safer. A lie that countless facts and figures, top CIA directors, his own anti-terror pals, and leading anti-terrorism experts have come out DIRECTLY to say was bullshit. His other lie is that he has made the country better. A lie that top economists, facts and figures about the national debt and job loss will also come out directly to prove otherwise. Quite frankly the country can do no worse than GWB.

As for Triple, get the fuck out of my chair you little faggot. No one wants you here.

Shut your fucking mouth, all I hear coming from that fucking disgusting yapper is all the bullshit that I hear in my liberal school, In the NYT, and spewed by every brain dead fucking moviestar, rockstar, and anyone else who parrots exactly what they hear.

To use my Political Theory degree to some use:

You are a perfect example of Plato's cave/shadow analogy, you only see the fucking shadows on the wall, and not the person behind you casting them or do you realize the sunshine outside the cave.


EDIT: I hate both candidates and will vote for neither.