Oh my, Bush lied about his service record

Does this guy lie about everything?


President Bush was ranked in the middle of his Air National Guard class and flew more than 336 hours in a fighter jet before letting his pilot status lapse and missing a key readiness drill, according to his flight records belatedly uncovered Tuesday under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Pentagon and Bush's campaign have claimed for months that all records detailing his fighter pilot career have been made public, but defense officials said they found two dozen new records detailing his training and flight logs after The Associated Press filed a lawsuit and crafted new requests under the public records law.

Oops! After months of litigation on the part of the Associated Press, the Defense Dept. just hapened to turn up evidence that Bush has been lying all this time in regards to his service in the National Guard.

The records show his last flight came on April 1972, which is consistent with his pay records that show Bush had a large lapse of duty between April and October of that year, a time he says he went to Alabama to work on an unsuccessful Republican Senate campaign. Bush skipped a required medical exam that cost his pilot's status in August 1972.

A six-month historical record of his 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, also turned over to the AP on Tuesday, shows some of the training Bush missed with his colleagues during that time.

Significantly, it showed the unit joined a ‘‘24-hour active alert mission to safeguard against surprise attack" in the southern United State beginning on Oct. 6, 1972, a time when Bush did not report for duty, according to his pay records.

So, when his unit was on alert, conducting drills, Bush was absent.
sLoGg said:
fuck this shit, dont vote
fucking politics is the gayest fucking shit, everyone lies about all their shit and its not like the public has any real say anyway. I bet most of this is all just some dramatic rouse just to satisfy the masses. fucking fucked up fucks this fucking fuck.

fuck that don't vote.
def said:
blah blah bush will still win (thankfully)

Just an observation

The pubs/conservatives have done there best to slap at Kerry with everything they have...and he's still in an almost dead heat in the polls.

I wouldn't bet on Bush winning this next election.

He can't win on the issues, cause he's sucked as a president.
ICFire said:
Just an observation

The pubs/conservatives have done there best to slap at Kerry with everything they have...and he's still in an almost dead heat in the polls.

I wouldn't bet on Bush winning this next election.

He can't win on the issues, cause he's sucked as a president.
see the thing is most conservatives and me aren't worried frantically.

it seems like this issue keeps you up at night. then when you make posts like this, people just laugh at you (like the whole thread has)
Houston said:

Drudge is reporting the Boston Globe will be running a story on this


President Bush fell well short of meeting his military obligation in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, the BOSTON GLOBE is planning to front on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE.

The 1,500 word expose on Bush's records comes just hours ahead of an exclusive CBSNEWS interview set to air Wednesday night with a man who secured for the 22-year-old Yale graduate Bush a coveted place in the Guard -- a man who now claims he regrets helping Bush.

The GLOBE claims: "Twice during his Guard service - first when he joined in May 1968, and again before he transferred out of his unit in mid-1973 to attend Harvard Business School - Bush signed documents pledging to meet training commitments or face a punitive call-up to active duty.

"He didn't meet the commitments, or face the punishment, the records show."

After laying dormant for most of the summer, big media picks up where it left off on the Bush national guard issue in a post-Labor Day filing frenzy.

In the next hours and days, the ASSOCIATED PRESS, CBSNEWS, BOSTON GLOBE and NBCNEWS [who will host Bush author Kitty Kelley on Monday] will revisit Bush National Guard.

The upcoming reexamination of Bush's records by the GLOBE show that Bush's attendance at required training drills "was so irregular that his superiors could have disciplined him or ordered him to active duty in 1972, 1973, or 1974. But they did neither. In fact, Bush's unit certified in late 1973 that his service had been "satisfactory" - just four months after Bush's commanding officer wrote that Bush had not been seen at his unit for the previous 12 months."


Although I would say being Governor might be considered active duty.