Washington Post: Bush lied about pretty much everything

Yes... Because we needed some king of other FUCKING REITTERATION that our military fucked up on an epic scale.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

It was true at that time that the British government had evidence that Saddam Hussein had recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Therefore, it wasn't a lie.

So now democrats want to impeach him over one sentence out of an hour long speech that wasn't even WRONG at the time he said it.

good luck w/ that
T-Funk said:
you try to impeach clinton for getting head, why isnt it happening to bush
Whatta'ya'mean "TRY?" They DID! And for more than just "getting head."

If you think they can impeach Bush, I say "go for it! Give it your best shot!"
umm, didn't Americans elect Bush because they wanted to be lied to and ruled like brainless cattle under a demented king for a few years ?

oh wait, he wasn't really elected at all, was he... never mind.

long live democracy, wherever it's hiding.
FngrBANG said:
Whatta'ya'mean "TRY?" They DID! And for more than just "getting head."

If you think they can impeach Bush, I say "go for it! Give it your best shot!"

Clinton was not impeached...they held impeachment hearings but it never happened.
Ok, so most of this Washington Post article relies on reports from the UN (read: useless) weapons inspectors? Forgive me if I don't jump all over this and call for Bush's head.
Wolfhunt said:
Clinton was not impeached...they held impeachment hearings but it never happened.

read up on Civics, he was impeached. Know about how our government works before you talk about how it works.
ONO!!!! We have all the answers and our government knows nothing!!!! Some of you fucking retards should try running for president. I'm sure you'd handle everything poerfectly. For those of you that are old enough, you helped vote him in. For those of you too young, you have no say, so stfu and stfd.
im·peach ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-pch)
tr.v. im·peached, im·peach·ing, im·peach·es

To make an accusation against.
To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.
To challenge the validity of; try to discredit: impeach a witness's credibility.