[Political]Bush - Faster than a speeding Flip Flopper!


Veteran X
How can you vote against a man that goes against his own word? Actions speak louder than senatorial votes. Bush, resident flip flop in chief.

These are actual quotes from the Bush 2000 campaign election website:

"There are 43 million uninsured Americans – 4 million more than when
the current administration took office. George W. Bush will reverse
this trend by making health insurance affordable for hard-working,
low-income families."

FLIP-FLOP: Since Bush took office, health insurance premiums have
risen by an average rate of 12.5 percent per year.

"George W. Bush will establish the 'Healthy Communities Innovation
Fund' to provide $500 million in grants over five years to fund
innovative projects addressing targeted health risks, such as
childhood diabetes."

FLIP-FLOP: No such thing was ever done

"George W. Bush will fully fund the Pell grant program for first-year
students by increasing the maximum grant amount by more than 50
percent, to $5,100."

FLIP-FLOP: President Bush has frozen the maximum Pell Grant at $4,050
in his FY 2005 education budget. This is the third year in a row that
Bush has frozen or cut the maximum Pell Grant.

"To restore confidence in government, George W. Bush will...return
civility to the nomination process."

FLIP-FLOP: When Democrats objected to the nomination of William Pryor
to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the White House stood by its
allies who leveled charges of anti-Catholic bias at the Democrats.
When Sen. Patrick Leahy confronted Vice President Cheney about the
impropriety of this charge on the Senate floor, Cheney civilly told
him to "F*** off."

"As President, Governor Bush will…pay the debt down to a historically
low level."

FLIP-FLOP: As of July 30, the national debt stood at
$7,316,567,571,232.89, a record high. This year's budget will also
create a record deficit: $445 billion, according to the White House.

"The Social Security surplus must be locked away only for Social

FLIP-FLOP: During 2002, the first fiscal year for which Bush was
responsible, he spent $159 billion of the Social Security Trust Fund

"Governor Bush's income tax cuts will benefit all Americans, but they
are especially focused on low and moderate income families."

FLIP-FLOP: The top 20 percent of earners received 69.8 percent of
President Bush's tax cuts.

More choice FLIP-FLOPS:

""The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden."

FLIP-FLOP: Only a year later Bush then says when asked where is Bin Laden "I
don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care.

BUSH SPOKESMAN DENIES NEED FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR IRAQ FOR THE REST OF 2004..."We do not anticipate requesting supplemental funding for '04" [White House Budget Director Joshua Bolton, 2/2/04]

FLIP-FLOP: ...BUSH REQUESTS ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR IRAQ FOR 2004 "I am requesting that Congress establish a $25 billion contingency reserve fund for the coming fiscal year to meet all commitments to our troops." [President
Bush, Statement by President, 5/5/04]

Bush says Iraq has WMD. Bush says we have PROOF that Iraq has WMD. Bush says that these WMD are ready to launch on us at any time.

FLIP-FLOP: Not a single WMD was ever found. Not a single WMD was ever used on a single US soldier in Iraq. If they had WMD and were going to use WMD, they would have used it on our troops as we marched into Baghdad.

BUSH OPPOSES NATION BUILDING... "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to
have a serious problem coming down the road." [Gov. George W. Bush,

FLIP-FLOP: ...BUSH SUPPORTS NATION BUILDING "We will be changing the regime of Iraq, for the good of the Iraqi people." [President Bush, 3/6/03]

"We will never win the war on terror" Amazingly enough Dumbya said this point blank but then...

FLIP-FLOP: The very next day came back out and said "We will win the war on terror". But since they have been telling us the entire time that "this is a war that we will not see the end of in our generation" you guess which answer was his REAL answer.

Bush tells the world and sets as a campaign slogan that America is safer because of the Bush administration.

There have been at least 18 "Terror Alerts" in the past 3 years and couuntless other "notable threats" listed against the USA. That is at least 1 terror alert every 2 months for the past 3 years. Certainly sounds like we are safer, yes?

Cliff Notes:
Bush is good for health insurance - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush is good for education - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush will fix our courts - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush will pay down our debt - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush will protect Social Security - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush tax cuts are good for us all - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush will get evil-doer Osama - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush won't tax & spend for Iraq - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush has proof of Iraq WMD - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush is against nation building - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush says we'll never beat terror - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
Bush makes us safe from terror - no, he's bad for the USA and a flip-flopper.
nobody ever follows through with all their campaign promises and if you think they do you are a goddamn retard

also 9/11 war on terror blood for satan stay the course flip flop fist the dead cheney robot hitler bush
People do change their minds when they get more facts.. eh? It happens.

The fucking public pays way too much attention to politicians when they change their minds.
Archimedes said:
People do change their minds when they get more facts.. eh? It happens.

The fucking public pays way too much attention to politicians when they change their minds.

Ask Zell Miller, he'll confirm that
El Smack said:
excellent revelation. I won't vote for Clinton this year!
My point was that people still vote for the person they agree with most and it doesn't fucking matter if they keep all their promises or not.

Nice dipshit response, though.
Let me break it down for you. The two Presidential candidates (And there are ONLY two) are both fucking morons. Neither is fit to run anything above a microwave. If you truly value America and are a REAL Patriot you will abstain from voting. Your vote doesn't make any fucking difference anyway. If everyone on these forums voted for ONE candidate It wouldn't make ANY difference.

Cliff notes:
-Both are fucknuts
-Don't vote because a vote for either is unamerican
-your vote is worthless either way

Edit: I get highly pissed by presumptive people. Just because a person hates Bush doesn't make them a Clinton supporter you fucking jackass. Go ram a ball point pen up your nose into your brain and try to fix whatever is so screwed up in there.
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jesus, you people are so fucking thickheaded

the point of this thread isn't that Clinton probably flip flopped too

It is that these ridiculous "flip-flopper" charges that the Conservs have put on Kerry are not only ridiculous, but also hypocritical.
noyeti said:
How can you vote against a man that goes against his own word? Actions speak louder than senatorial votes. Bush, resident flip flop in chief.

These are actual quotes from the Bush 2000 campaign election website:

why dont you go post a list of kerry's flip flops?

i bet they are more numerous. like it or not, bush sticks to his guns (so to say)

kerry wavers and the first sight of opposition to his stance. what a great president he will make
Vlasic said:
My point was that people still vote for the person they agree with most and it doesn't fucking matter if they keep all their promises or not.

Nice dipshit response, though.

funny, it looked like your point was to attack a democrat "hero". If your point truely was as you say it was, then why didn't you point out Bush Sr., Reagan, Ford, Carter or Nixon's broken promises?
El Smack said:
funny, it looked like your point was to attack a democrat "hero". If your point truely was as you say it was, then why didn't you point out Bush Sr., Reagan, Ford, Carter or Nixon's broken promises?
Because Clinton was the president before the current moron.

A little fucking paranoid, are we?
T w i z t i D said:
jesus, you people are so fucking thickheaded

the point of this thread isn't that Clinton probably flip flopped too

It is that these ridiculous "flip-flopper" charges that the Conservs have put on Kerry are not only ridiculous, but also hypocritical.
nobody holds true to all their campaign promises after they get elected. they just cant

but kerry cant even hold true to his own stances before the election. thats fucking pathetic
Bodom said:
nobody holds true to all their campaign promises after they get elected. they just cant

but kerry cant even hold true to his own stances before the election. thats fucking pathetic

So his honesty in this case is something to criticize him for.... :closet:
Bodom said:
. like it or not, bush sticks to his guns (so to say)

actually, by reading this list, watching the Daily Show Bush VS. Bush video, and doing a little research, it seems the only thing Bush sticks to his guns on are Stem Cell research, Gay marriage and killing americans.