Bush Campaign Lawyer Is Advising Swift Boat Group, AP Reports


Veteran XV

Bush Campaign Lawyer Is Advising Swift Boat Group, AP Reports

Aug. 24 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush's re- election campaign lawyer said he is giving legal advice to the veterans group that is challenging Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's account of his service in the Vietnam War, the Associated Press reported.

Benjamin Ginsberg said he agreed to provide legal service to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth when asked to advise the group about a law related to the First Amendment, the wire service reported.

Ginsberg, who said he hadn't decided whether to charge the group for his work, didn't tell the Bush campaign what he discussed with the group, AP said, citing Ginsberg.

Last week, Kerry filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the Bush campaign is illegally coordinating the Swift Boat group's advertisements against the Democratic candidate, the wire service said.
It was admitted today that dnc lawyers have been advising liberal 527s for some time now.

None of them have resigned as of yet.

Me, well.. I don't really care. It's not illegal for a lawyer to have multiple clients.
where is thrillkillkult telling us this isnt true and that it's not a big deal to violate election laws?
triple, do you see a difference between a lawyer for the DNC and a lawyer on the Bush re-election committee?
One works for an organization, NOT the election campaign for Kerry.
The other works directly for the re-election and therefore has contact with the candidate.
Stilgar said:
triple, do you see a difference between a lawyer for the DNC and a lawyer on the Bush re-election committee?
One works for an organization, NOT the election campaign for Kerry.
The other works directly for the re-election and therefore has contact with the candidate.

They share the same lawyers. Obviously kerry has access to the dnc's legal team.
Shouldn't this be like with lawyers and divorce? If the lawyer has had contact with the husband the lawyer doesn't take the case for the wife because of conflict?
It is amazing how this is now news when the Republicans do it but no big deal when the Democrats do it.

Lawywers have mulitple clients. So why is there a difference what the DNC lawyers did and what Ginsberg did?

I don't see any difference.
Why do democrats care about any of this? They've been dishing it out through moveon and other groups since iraq started, and all of a sudden republicans start using those tactics and.. oh my god! How could they?!? I mean I know we compared bush to hitler, but this is TOO FAR!

It's like a bully at recess. He can dish it out, but when someone punches him back, hes going to cry to mommy.