If you think Bush needs to go.

I just watched a CNN segment by that Wolf Blitzer guy where they showed about 4 clips of Bush's Replican National Convention from his run for Presidency vs Kerry's. And in all 4 clips Kerry said almost word for word what bush said relating to military and budget 4 years ago... It's almost like he just copied him... If you want to make a change, then by all means get somebody that's going to be DIFFERENT, oh wait, it's to late for that now. That's what you get when you nominate someone and don't know which side of the issues they stand on.
I Am Republican #009323428717332145. Me Suck Dick! Me Like Bush! Die Hippy! Ha Ha Ha! Me Funny! Me Die Of Heart Attack At Age 65!
The thing that constantly amazes me is how flawlessly Kerry has avoided making any policy statements..he has crowed mightily about his "optimistic vision" for America, without defining it in the slightest.

It just strikes me as odd that so many people are falling lockstep behind this guy without his taking a stand on anything beyond his hatred of Bush.
because they are uneducated liberals. they also concentrate on hating bush more than understanding how kerry plans to accomplish anything? :shrug:
TedBundy said:
I Am Republican #009323428717332145. Me Suck Dick! Me Like Bush! Die Hippy! Ha Ha Ha! Me Funny! Me Die Of Heart Attack At Age 65!
plz kill yourself for the benefit of both liberals and conservatives everywhere
Once Kerry starts taxing the rich motherfuckers who don't deserve tax breaks we'll have plenty of money to socialize health care, Redwood.

Eurus, Kerry's position is similar because that's been a major criticism point; what he'll do to terrorists/iraq/the military. It's good to hear that he wants to invest in military technology and continue to make our military the best. It's good to hear that he'll actually balance that out with diplomacy, instead of "You! Put troops in Iraq or we'll stop trading!" "You! Put your troops in Iraq and we'll give you loads of money!"

Bush simply caters to the rich... er I mean his "base" - "the have mores".
If any of you idiots actually think Bush has run this country well, you need to actually research his educational system fuck ups, his environmental fuck ups, his tax fuck ups, his military fuck ups, and his fuck up. This guy should have never even been a canidate, and I believe his non-election reflects the sad state our country is in.
$hogun said:
The thing that constantly amazes me is how flawlessly Kerry has avoided making any policy statements..he has crowed mightily about his "optimistic vision" for America, without defining it in the slightest.

It just strikes me as odd that so many people are falling lockstep behind this guy without his taking a stand on anything beyond his hatred of Bush.

Bush made lots of policy statements.
then flip flopped on half of them :shrug:

and btw, if you read his site you can get more info about him.
What I know of him he sounds far superior to Bush.
Redwood said:
To make this a balanced thread.


And for the people who only will vote for Kerry because they hate Bush...

Kerry claims to want to unite the haves and have nots.... But with his current plan for taxes and his wishes for socialized health care, he going to drive a stake between the classes that will take decades to repair.

I can't believe you're worried about Kerry driving a stake between economic classes. Take a look at our current president.

“This is an impressive crowd -- the haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite -- I call you my base.” -- George W. Bush

The Bush tax cut heavily favors the wealthiest people in our nation. Making the rich richer does not bring classes together.

"According to IRS data," writes Daniel J. Mitchell, an economist at the Heritage Foundation, "the top one percent of income earners pay nearly 29 percent of the income tax burden, the top 10 percent pay more than 59 percent, and the top 20 percent pay more than 74 percent. The bottom 50 percent of income earners, on the other hand, pay less than five percent of income taxes."

Health care plan: http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/health_care/
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Believe me, I don't need to campaign for Kerry here in California. The only way Dubbya will win this state is if everyone outside of the Central Valley drops dead.