Why are conservacucks in favor of immigration?

Oh very excited for sure....wall to wall people, touching elbow to elbow, of no determined race, or religion, or culture, or even point and purpose. All festering in a giant pool of their own shit and piss waiting for someone to tell them and give them something to do.

I mean it will be hell on Earth but think of the GDP potential!!!

I know our globalist elite sure have and it makes them so happy.

We can all live in the movie Elysium. It will be amazing.

This is a great place for me to elaborate since I am sure many posters have no idea where I am really coming from. This is a reminder that I am not one of those the white race is "the best" kind of people.....that only white is right. I have no goals nor desires for global conquest or even conquering anyone. I despise the people I blame for where this country is today, my country, but don't even advocate for their death or destruction.



for some of my $$$$ to go to my friends, my family, my country.......not Israel and Jews who do actively demand my death and dismemberment daily.

I just want to get away from these people (headlines of the day, every day there are more)






this is how Cali now has the worst school system in the nation.......

with soon to be lowest literacy and graduation rates

And their cancerous mentality is spreading to the entire West Coast and fast

If you are Asian you can always find more Asians in Asia. Africans can find fellow Africans in Africa. Middle Easterners can find Middle East Sharia law in the Middle East.

Where the fuck am I supposed to go?

Bernie is telling me I can't even send my kids to private school anymore.

That they "steal" communal funds and hurt the "SCHOOL SYSTEM"

no matter what kind of brainwashing degenerate shit they want to pump into their heads as a pill of EDUCATION.

That I can't even have my own off the grid compound, my own commune, my own retreat or Janet Reno Jr. will have no choice but to burn it down.

Am I supposed to pack up and go back to Europe?......well we can see Europe clearly isn't for the Europeans. Insert Macron and Merkel and EU for more on that.

So that is no longer a sound premise. Only the Western White world needs more diversity, more POC's, more refugees, more 3rd world.....for some reason

The same people who told us that diversity was a strength are now running around in a panic about how divided the society has become.

You can celebrate the idea of people being less religious......but that isn't going to happen with 1 in 7 people on planet being Muslim. Islam having theeeeeeee highest birthrates on the planet right now.

All these people thinking they are going to be left alone with Sharia Law of the land are in for a rather rude awakening imo. They think Christians are annoying and meddlesome wait until they see the rock celebration and building toss competitions Islam has planned for their next LGBT parade.

What kind of pride they will let them have. You thought your 60's era WASP parents were judemental
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You can hate religion all you want (God knows I have)

but it doesn't change the fact you will merely substitute it for something else

in most cases Athiests just turn to the State instead

and if the State is great.......fine but it isn't and is imo worse than the invisible man in the sky in terms of creating a real life hell on Earth

I can accept or reject God's judgement while I am on this planet. A gun in my mouth and a boot on my neck I can not. Prison is also very very real place.

in the end you can only really hate yourself

It turns out that the happiest of all wives in America are religious conservatives, followed by their progressive counterparts

New York Times Opinion on Twitter:

it turns out nobody is more miserable than people who were told THAT having kids or a family was going to ruin their life........that having gender roles would be their downfall and misery :lol:

Feminists and gays are importing people to replace the patriarchy.......that evil white male privilege that is going to make them suffer far more than anything Christians have ever attempted

Whereas Christians will likely die off for being too tolerant and forgiving......even accepting (hilarious stuff right?)

Some big think food for thought.


Bloomberg said:

I dunno cael....maybe Asia will not be for Asians that much longer either

Fertility declines in the U.S. are hardly unique:

�� Japan: 1.4
�� Singapore: 1.2
�� South Korea: 0.95

Asia's wealthiest economies are now turning to immigration as a short and long-term means of addressing worker shortages.

In Japan, where the population is shrinking, immigration increased for the sixth straight year in 2018

South Korea has made major strides: Between 2006 and 2016, the foreign-born population grew from 536,000 to more than 2 million.

By 2020 it's estimated that one-third of all children born in South Korea will have a foreign-born parent


mommy wasn't kidding when she said you needed to find a nice asian boy to settle down with and have kids with cael.
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WE GET THIS :flag:

REPORT: a mob of 8 to 10 male Somali's wielding hammers descended upon bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station in Minnesota on Friday night injuring several, according to recorded police dispatch audio.

UPDATE: Mob with Hammers Descends on Minneapolis East Bank LRT Patrons - Alpha News

NYPD looking for 6 smiling teenagers who allegedly attacked an off-duty firefighter who tried to stop them from harassing an elderly couple in Manhattan over the weekend - WNBC

The victim suffered a concussion & broken teeth.

Breaking911 on Twitter:


they get this


israel gets this (and we pay for it.....directly and in all ways/forms)

Israel booms with babies as developed world’s birth rates plummet. Here’s why. - CSMonitor.com

Bernie Sanders Aide Sorry For Jewish Dual Loyalty Claim – The Forward

Power to the shekel: Israel’s currency is one of the world’s strongest, again

Power to the shekel: Israel’s currency is one of the world’s strongest, again - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Nearly 400 members of Congress signed a bipartisan letter to Trump calling on him to safeguard Israel’s interests with Syria’s civil war coming to an end

Majority of Congress urges Trump to safeguard Israel’s interests as Syrian war ends - U.S. News - Haaretz.com

so they can do more of this

Document: Israeli Mossad spy agency trained young Mandela - The Washington Post

don't even get me started on those recently released (declassified) JFK files where it showed Mossad connection with Jack Ruby.......Jack Rubenstein and that Israeli media basically admits to murdering JFK (and I presume Bobby) to keep their own nuclear weapons program. ASK ME MORE IF INTERESTED*

rinse and repeat forever and ever I'm afraid

or until we tell our politicians to stop putting our nation on suicide watch

get us out of the most abusive one sided relationship in the history of all relationships
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Someone has been doing his homework. :lol:

^ very, very evil little Jew.

Not sure what you know of him but just to be on the safe side (hope im not preaching to the choir), take a look at the Morgenthau Plan. A lot of it was implemented, even though the US and British politicians refused a lot of it because it was genocide.

Ever since that "Silencing Patton" documentary came out I can't stop looking up information on this (((GUY)))

It sure explains why Patton was so pissed off and later said all of this

This Cursed guy on Twitter really has a good collection going:


In a 1939 Gallup Poll, 67% of Americans opposed accepting Jewish refugee children in the US.


Despite America's overwhelming opposition to Jewish imports, President Roosevelt let 250,000 Jews into America by the end of WW2 in 1945. This was largely due to pressure from the Jewish World Congress, media, & Secretary of the Treasury Department, Henry Morgenthau



and fresh off the train to AUSHUWITZ they came in the hundreds of thousands


Look at how starving they were.

Compared to say the surrounding Kulaks during Holodomore (the real Holocaust).

And from there the rest was history


Much like our country

The real thing to say isn't that FDR was a Socialist......or a Communist......but a Bolshevik supporter.

That we didn't fight WW2 to defeat the Nazis but prop up their flavor of Communism. Which after all these years is finally ready for all of us :flag: to fully appreciate SOON.

We saved their Red Army rapists and now they run the entire Western world.

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But enough about them......it is what it is and Americans apparently don't mind most of their tax money going to make their country GREAT AGAIN while ours absorbs more debt/deficits and our money devalues and we put off having kids so we can pay for other families who hate us to replace us inside our own nation that most of our ancestors built.

Then be perpetually yelled at by their politicians and our media for ruining their lives for not being more accommodating to letting more of them live among us in our once nice neighborhoods with low crime rates.

I'm happy to just talk about that MELTING POT project we all hear so much about




I mean it seems to be working well for us so far

At this point we would all be happier if NY and CALI became their own nation.

And if Chicago and say Portland and Seattle just became their own States.

the alternative nobody is going to enjoy or be able to pay for much longer anyways

even the melting pot capital of the world has nothing but chunks inside it

San Francisco Demographics and Inclusivity San Francisco’s Zero Waste Vision


I feel like I can see China town from here


I know where the White Gentrification areas are (with highest rent prices)

and where the Latino areas with cheapest rent are as well (orange)

even where I am most likely to get shot at or find myself a chicken and a waffle combo

I shouldn't be able to see all this from a bunch of demographic dots on a screen if we were truly capable of blending in and living in complete non-homogeneous harmony together.

I mean poop maps aside


It's a shithole
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Cael you know there is a reason I missed you so much

East asians are too smart to believe the anti-white propaganda. They're probably more favorable towards whites than whites are towards themselves. They're able enough to emulate western civilization instead of idly envying/hating it.


You are more family than most of my family :)

America is going to be great again soon

Zookeepers perform routine interdiction after GDP cattle #148892 Retweets unapproved content

America 2034 (Colorised)



Way better than it ever was before
Ever since that "Silencing Patton" documentary came out I can't stop looking up information on this (((GUY)))
I have not seen this. Looks like I am going to.

Several years ago, I read quite a few books about pre-war Germany and post-war Germany. One of the books was horrible and, not as in a bad book but, it was horrible in what happened to the German people after the war, something that no one talks about, as we sit on our perch, lecturing the rest of the world whats right and wrong about war, while we turned a blind eye to systematic Jewish led destruction of post-war Germany.

(It's going to take me forever to find this book in my list. The only downside to reading digital books is I can never remember the name of the book because I only see the cover/name of the book once.)

*edit - Found it. Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947
It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history. Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to rubble--World War II was truly man's greatest cataclysm. Thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. There has never been such a terrible retelling of the story, however, as one will find in Hellstorm. In a chilling "you-are-there" style, the author places the reader at the scene, in the moment.

Throughout this book readers will see what Allied airman saw as they rained down death on German cities; or the reader will experience what those below experienced as they sat trembling in their bomb shelters awaiting that very same death from above. The reader will view up close the horrors of the Eastern Front during the last months of fighting and through the mud, blood and madness of combat they may come to understand how the same German soldiers, who only moments before had destroyed an enemy tank, could now risk their own lives to rescue the trapped Soviet crew inside. Readers will witness for themselves the fate of German women as the rampaging Red Army raped and murdered its way across Europe--all females, from "eight to eighty" feared the dreaded words, "Frau Komm." The worst nautical disasters in history which claimed thousands of lives, the greatest mass migration known to man in which millions perished, the fate of those wretched victims in post-war death camps and torture chambers, these and many other dark secrets of World War II now come to light in Hellstorm.

They made it into a documentary.

One of my favorite female historians, Deanna Spingola , who wrote a great book series labeled 'The Ruling Elite', in the 2nd book, The Ruling Elite, The Zionist Seizure of World Power, she did an interview with the author of Hellstorm.

Youtube keeps flagging this video or taking it down altogether. Can't be discussing the Chosen.
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Yeah "Silencing Patton" was a great watch....I highly suggest it

Really got them mental juices going

The book you describe does sound familiar.

I have read a few different ones that it could have been.

One talked about how they kept on them. They chased loyalists and any form of dissidents all the way to the Rhine River embankments and basically forced their complete submission, assimilation, with no other compromise.

That they would destroy entire cities if they gave them any further resistance.

That almost all of the young women were raped in East Germany by Red Army that took over.

How everyone else just carved up their land and infrastructure.

Anything that might have been left of value.

It is rather eye opening to realize that there is more than one side to their story. There is the official public school narrative and what really took place. That there is a Communist cancer and that what they were doing was seen by many citizens as the only actual remedy or cure.

That we eradicated it and in doing so have slowly eradicated ourselves as we can see with France and England so many years later.......

That only after half a century of starvation style suffering, when there is nothing left to take or steal, can your nation hope to collapse under its own debt and begin to rebuild again with new leadership.

Which appears to be the case for Poland and USSR/Russia

both of which our current government controllers and speakers seem to be rather upset and perturbed about.

Especially when those same people were pro Communist themselves not too many years ago.......or before that Berlin Wall fell.


Only now is Russia suddenly their bad guy.....:lol:

So says the USA country who also happens to have more Holocaust Remembrance exhibits and museums than they do Federal Government Buildings (~3600)
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and lucky for Soros.....

Sheldon Adelson pays Trump to agree

not that he even needed to

it has been a long standing family tradition to try to become Jewish as a Trump member

From his daughter Yael (aka Ivanka)

To Trump's Daddy himself

Fred Trump - Wikipedia

Trump was so active in Jewish and Israeli causes that some believed that he belonged to the Jewish faith.[26]

This including donating the land for the Beach Haven Jewish Center in Flatbush, New York,[57] supporting Israel Bonds,[58] and serving as the treasurer of an Israel benefit concert featuring American easy-listening performers.[55]

During the 1980s, Fred Trump became friends with future Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, who at the time was the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations in Manhattan.[59]

Now just think about the greatness of this:

Soros, a Hungarian Jew, pretended to be a Nazi German who turned in his fellow Jews for Shekels

Trump's Father, Fred Trump, was German who pretended to be a Jew for Shekels and fucked over his fellow citizens.

Although both of his parents were German, during World War II and until the 1980s, Fred Trump denied that he spoke German and claimed that he was of Swedish origin.[26] According to Fred's nephew John Walter, "He had a lot of Jewish tenants and it wasn't a good thing to be German in those days."[2] In Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal (1987), it is further falsely elaborated that Fred was the son of an immigrant from Sweden and born in New Jersey.[27] As president of the United States, Donald Trump has on at least three occasions incorrectly stated that his father was born in Germany.[28]

I mean can I make this stuff up?

Could I be this hilarious even if I wanted to?

My ability to talk shit and be a dick has nothing on the actual world we are living in.
At some point it might be a far better and safer idea than where I believe we are headed

This current shit show can't continue forever.

Our debts already can't be repaid......and they are only growing and getting worse (this during a great economy....:lol:) the leveraged margin calls and credit ponzis are simply unsustainable

Any global recession is going to really demonstrate this

As the global embargos and trade wars intensify (all precursors to war)

So will the civil unrest and desire to direct our anger and frustration energy at other fabricated enemies

Take Trump with Iran/Syria atm.....

Trump said he doesn't want to have War with them. In fact made many tweets mocking Obama for almost getting into conflict with them.

But that doesn't matter because when he sold himself out, gave up, caved in, and allowed John Bolton and Pompeo types to take over.....gave Nikki Haley any wheel pull

the war machine was already set in motion for him. He can't fight it forever.

The true defenders of Zion already have our next 20 Trillion in debt/deficit and next 10k soldier lives already mapped out for Trump.


Nearly 400 members of Congress signed a bipartisan letter to Trump calling on him to safeguard Israel’s interests with Syria’s civil war coming to an end

400 Members of Congress, the only bipartisan anything our Government, which is really just foreign government and corporate representation, can pass or come to any semblance of an agreement about.

Majority of Congress urges Trump to safeguard Israel’s interests as Syrian war ends - U.S. News - Haaretz.com

100% of the time

It should be very clear to us going forward what is happening. Which is the only reason I am wasting my time posting any of this.

No amount of Gulf of Token false flags or USS Liberties will justify these wars.

I think they know that but are going to make the final push anyways.

They need the land......we need to knock out petro-dollar competition.......and none of us have any point in living in their minds without fulfilling said manifest destiny of greater Israel plan.


they all come around eventualy
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but speaking of things that shall not be spoken

hey AmRam this might be interesting to you:

Social media platforms must be held accountable for the hate speech & disinformation we see online – and if they don’t step up, there will be consequences. We launched Canada's new Digital Charter today to guide our decisions, learn more about it here:

Justin Trudeau on Twitter:

Is it that my fake news is rather convincing or that they just don't want you guys to see it?


it's ok they didn't go full NZ coombzy on you guys up there yet

their censorship commisar told him he can't post here anymore
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I mean it is just a coincidence right?

They they are 100% of the people starting shit and trying to silence the internet?


Oh (((Bloomberg)))


Oh (((Levine)))


Oh (((Bernstein)))

just coincidences........cohencidences as I like to call them now

Just like the ring leaders of that Black Vests movement in France I mentioned earlier



Look at the white haired Saruman on the megaphone. Member of the Long Nose tribe

creator of future MLK and Mandella types if we can be so lucky
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When leftists say "less religious", what they are really saying is less Christianity. These 3rd worlders are religious fundies and their religions are barbaric. Shit is going to be fun to watch as these leftists are subjected to Islamic law.

How long until homos are being tossed off buildings? What, 2 years ago or so a dirkadirka shot up a homo club so it's not too far off.

The big 3 religions are dumb af death cults FYI, hail satan.

Also, -SS- u follow the Nazi ideology p close I C
I remember when HumDumpin's called himself DealyRunk and C0balt

and cried about fake war for oils and fabricated WMD in Iraq for almost a decade

only to be correct but when black jesus started bombing brown people, became the drone king, killed Ghadaffi, toppled Libya, ruined Yemen, got 4x our enlisted men in Afghanistan killed, he had to keep the faith.....

he had to protect his team called globalists

he cried about red lines in sand over wmd pictures by white helmets (same fabricated nonsense we see today)

he became a neocon like Romney and McCain

he decided he was with HER

he became a card carrying antifa member who buys milkshakes at Burger Drag King
and makes sure his new Nike shoe and Netflix subscription never expired


by being a fukin shill for it

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Oh fuck guys did you know there was a new Iphone coming out?


Did you see the GOT finale?

Oh fuck the sports ball is on

Oh man I'm so progressive and super into important things that are not as empty as my life with cats and waiting until my parents die so I can inherit their house and/or reverse mortgage. That I can finally get new roommates and have a big boy life.