Why are conservacucks in favor of immigration?


Veteran XX
Why do they applaud an immigration plan when all those Chinese and Hispanics coming by the millions will vote democrat?

It's just like the hippie libcucks who step over themselves to welcome rapefugees and Muslims, who will throw fags and trannies off rooftops when they get a majority.

Is there actually a single conservative left in America?

It's usually just the ones with companies that exploit the cheap labor.
Packing votes into the electoral centers. Cheap labor. Tax breaks for being "opportunity zones" and all that horseshit. Also, conservatives/republicans are for legal immigration with boundaries.
Packing votes into the electoral centers. Cheap labor. Tax breaks for being "opportunity zones" and all that horseshit. Also, conservatives/republicans are for legal immigration with boundaries.
But the immigrants vote left.

I believe they are applauding the concept of a merit-based system...and the existence of some plan other than “let every scumsucker in”
I believe they are applauding the concept of a merit-based system...and the existence of some plan other than “let every scumsucker in”
Yes. But that's retarded. If you're a conservative it's p.obvious that you should be against all immigration. Yet they applaud and welcome 500,000 democrat voters every year.
Yes. But that's retarded. If you're a conservative it's p.obvious that you should be against all immigration. Yet they applaud and welcome 500,000 democrat voters every year.

Yea but they mostly get placed in liberal areas, mostly.
No but it's realistic. Eventually everything goes entirely left. Just prolonging the ride as long as possible before it all collapses.
as long as it's merit-based, why not? :shrug:

at least then they have a chance to be worth something of value to society and may vote differently instead of being automatic welfare fucks on the democrat tit.
Because they vote left. So if you're a conservative and the left bothers you, and you're pro immigration, you are quite likely a retard.

You are not from this country so I know you don't know the truth but I know quite a few people that immigrated to this country LEGALLY that do not vote Democrat and love Trump.

Don't get me wrong though, if we could shut it down completely and not have any immigrants for many years I would probably be happy about that.
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