Why are conservacucks in favor of immigration?

We all left our countries and came on a journey to this one and that's no lie. It wasn't even that long ago.
it was goddamn colonized which is a subtle fucking difference from immigration
I get your point. We needed people to get the job done. So, colonizers or immigrants - most of them shared the desire to start fresh, work hard and see a reward for that work. To live somewhere that was better than where they came from. Of course, the slaves have a different tale.

People are so binary these days. Just because someone is a republican or "right" doesn't mean that we hate everyone who wants to come here. It's just that they should share the spirit of the early colonizers/immigrants - work hard, be a good person and help with the greater good. Don't just come here for a hand-out. That is non-sustainable.
teddy Roosevelt said it best

we don't have room for Italian-americans or irish-americans or any other nationality-americans. if you're here, you're just an American and u better fucking act like it.

that being said, theres one group of people who are clearly better at that
it was goddamn colonized which is a subtle fucking difference from immigration

Lol what % of people are descending from colonizers and not irish / italian / german immigrants


Lgbr we friends but dont bs urself with this shit

Honk honk we r fuked accept this

France is already gone UK / sweden too only matter time
If there was one thread topic that was going to bring me back this was going to be the one.

Ok.....First off stop saying we are a nation of immigrants

We were, at best, a nation comprised and founded by European Immigrants.

The Melting Pot was a play from early 20th Century, the The New Colossus was a fucking POEM from late 1800's......all written and serving the Jewish people who created them.

Much like all of our other laws and foreign policy and country now.

There is a huge difference between European's (Italian, Irish, German, etc) and being a nation of South American/Latino, Africa, Asian and/or Middle Eastern areas.

If you think that all people are the same, believe the same, believe in some "KUMBAYA WE ARE THE WORLD" bullshit that is fine but that isn't the reality of our actual world nor our current immigration crisis. We are still involved in more than numerous wars demonstrating that atm. More to soon follow.

That was the entire goal of the 1965 Immigration Act.....to bring non-white, not English, not even people of similar goals/background and/or societal responsibilities into this nation at a far larger amount. In direct attempt at a Kalergi replacement Plan.


Look at how Minnesota became Little Mogadishu ffs. How Ilhan got elected. Why

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

Even with Trump, the Grand gate keeper, we are absorbing 5k new illegal immigrants a day.......or at this pace another 2 Million a year. This is on top of his open "LARGEST AMOUNT OF LEGAL IMMIGRANTS" goals with H1-B's etc. Surpassing even Owebama's best attempts to change our nation forever.

You think the last 55 years and 60+ Million were bad......get ready to increase the heat 2x


FACT CHECK: What Does Obama Read?

They know the the current residents are too fat, lazy and or entitled to work for the wages they are willing and wanting to pay.......and you are not going to get any say in changing that.

From Krugman to Kristol to even Trump and Obama all telling you that

The end outcome is a rapid transformation of both the demographics and the future of our country. Which I'd argue will not be a country much longer but more of an economic zone.

Much like they are trying to do with all of Europe.....scratch that have already done beyond successfully

All by design my friends. All by design just prepare accordingly and soon.

France will show you what this future looks like with over half a year of Yellow Jacket protests and Civil Unrest........where they know you can't do fuck all about any of it no matter how bad your nation gets. Besides watching protester fingers blown off, being bludgeoned to death by foreign mercs, and having dogs on you if you get too bold.

To now "black vests" getting in on the action yesterday

Hundreds Of | Zero Hedge

“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.

The protest was organized by the migrant support group “La Chapelle Debout,” which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.”

The group comes amid the country’s months-long “Yellow Vests movement” over tax reforms; French citizens are required to carry yellow vests in their vehicles for emergencies. (source)

#Update: Just in - All of these undocumented immigrants are from African decent, and are demanding that prime minister Édouard Philippe, will give all of them permanent legal status and papers to stay in #France. And saying we will not leave Charles de Gaulle Airport in #Paris. pic.twitter.com/lWLonHL6ww

Proving that France doesn't belong to the French anymore.......:lol:

Europe doesn't belong to Europeans

Just as the USA isn't going to belong to Americans for much longer.

We are economic zones filled with global citizens.

No reason to fly a flag much longer. Have any nationalistic tendencies to be patriotic about. Macron was right and Merkel's lead the charge.

Nothing left to fight for because I'm sad to say we fought for the wrong side too many years ago. And they finally won.


We will invite the 3rd world until we become the 3rd world.

Smart people will just white flight like they always have........not just from neighborhood to neighborhood but from State to State until there is nowhere left in what used to be our country. What was once our Republic.

Turned Banana Republic. More you complain more you become the villain. More you lash out the more the laws will only be applied to dissidents.

Oh well.......San Diego going to be more Mexican than Mexico soon if Trump keeps dumping illegals there (#WINNING)


Now I see why some of us decided to do this
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I am so over this MAGA shit

I just want a single politician who cares about any American as much as he does selling us out


yeah guys it was just the civil war statues they wanted to take down in the MAOist cultural revolution









so maybe I will know what being represented by my politicians feels like again
I don't think 'we' are fucked. There isn't really a 'we' in America. Yeah we were colonized by western whites, but the western whites that also wrote the Constitution pretty much made it so there is no 'us' in the U.S.
The whole point behind America is being a 'melting pot'..at least that's how its supposed to work. Black, white, yellow...means nothing when you come to America.

But those same white guys ended up writing a Constitution that makes this a free for all.
No official language, no official religion, allow dual citizen ship, allow anchor babies. America is meant to be an ever-changing populace, but at the same time, if you put this place in anyones hands but the white boys, its going to be an under-used third world nation that gets raped for resources in about a generation.
It's because the cuckservatives are deathly afraid of not following their Jewish overlords demands for the complete destruction of the white race and all white nations. They also know that if they do not follow these orders, the Jews will get on the Jew-controlled MSM like CNN, NPC, MSNPC, etc., and call them a racist. Cuckservatives are deathly afraid of the R word.

Follow Jew order, get political money to get re-elected; stay politically connected, get early stock trading tips and become a multimillionaire in a few short years.





I'm like can it get more silly and absurd



LMFAO hold my kosher beer
The whole point behind America is being a 'melting pot'..at least that's how its supposed to work

Is it?

From your highly segregated High School where each group sits at their own table?

From segregated groups inside Prisons?

to segregated housing to dorms to everything else

Or from their Little Italy, Little Mogadishu, China Town or other places they 100% self segregate and then vote only behalf of their own tribal and race related interests?

We not melting very well.....


At this point further self segregation might just be our only help.

Until we completely divorce and or Balkanize into new nations.


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I think this is what you are saying?

it sure is

and am I a dick for wanting for my country what they ask for and get (and we pay for and fight and die for) for them to have?

that is all I am asking.......

There are no consequences when our public officials lie to us. However, there are very real consequences when our public officials don't obey Jews: their donations dry up and they get bad press. So, our public officials will lie to us if it means advancing Jewish interests.



If there were an equivalent percentage of Jews in the US military as there are in the total US population (2%), there would be 44,000 Jews serving. Instead, there are less than 4,000 - which is slightly more than the number of American Jews serving in Israel's military.

A real good discussion on this tbh

Curse on Twitter:

then we got this (((guy)))


no wonder he fought Patton so hard not to take over (((COMMIE))) areas

and we have been fighting their wars for them ever since

our job is to fight and die for others to get rich.....both at home and for duel citizens of other nations + interests

if you want to keep your standard of living too bad.....that isn't in the plan

you will fight more people for less pay and benefits

you will put off having kids but be forced to pay for more people who are not in your family (with higher taxes)

who actually hate and fight against your desires for a better country. your own freedom and sovereignty.

we are no longer a nation but a pinata of endless gibs and grab bags

where if you deny anyone in the world to come here you are the monster

you are the villain and a nazi

and worse than all you will be called racist

so just bend over, empty them pockets, die in future wars and shut up already

anyone who doesn't understand the immigration issue, called a solution by dilution for the ruling class at this point.......either isn't trying or is lying to themselves

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