Why are conservacucks in favor of immigration?

It's because the cuckservatives are deathly afraid of not following their Jewish overlords demands for the complete destruction of the white race and all white nations. They also know that if they do not follow these orders, the Jews will get on the Jew-controlled MSM like CNN, NPC, MSNPC, etc., and call them a racist. Cuckservatives are deathly afraid of the R word.

Follow Jew order, get political money to get re-elected; stay politically connected, get early stock trading tips and become a multimillionaire in a few short years.
Follow up question: using the same logic shouldn’t conservatives be pro abortion? People who have unplanned pregnancies I would imagine are most likely democratic voters and their offspring that grows up on handouts for sure will be.
obviously what this country needs is stagnation, an aging population, and a shrinking tax base

that'll fix all our problems, great suggestions amram!!
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LoL u actually think trump makes decisions on his own?

Soros dictates agenda thats why israel is getting a nice big wall and we arent

And we paid 4 it bros :lol:

Jared soros 4 pres 2020 :lol:
You are not from this country so I know you don't know the truth but I know quite a few people that immigrated to this country LEGALLY that do not vote Democrat and love Trump.

Don't get me wrong though, if we could shut it down completely and not have any immigrants for many years I would probably be happy about that.
I know some of them vote right. But the evidence shows that majority go left.
The smart ones with factories in the Deep South know they'll need intelligent highly capable immigrants from way, way outside of their state to reliably fill critical high paying positions with qualified candidates.
The smart ones with factories in the Deep South know they'll need intelligent highly capable immigrants from way, way outside of their state to reliably fill critical high paying positions with qualified candidates.

if they were intelligent and highly capable they wouldn't be immigrating
No, the USA is a place people all over the world want to take advantage of. Everyone knows they can get lost in our bureaucracy and laws that are chock full of loopholes, siphon off what they want and then scurry back to whatever shithole they came from and probably live pretty well
No it's a place of opportunities. Smart people DO want to go there. It's just that they'll bring their incompatible cultures and political beliefs with them.
No it's a place of opportunities. Smart people DO want to go there. It's just that they'll bring their incompatible cultures and political beliefs with them.

I'll agree with this. But i also think that it does nobody any favors, least of all the shitholes they come from to take the smartest from these countries. If you take all the smart ones, then all you have left are the dumb ones, then you have countries like s. african nations where nobody can figure out how to drill a well for drinking water, or thinks HIV cures reside in cough syrup.
I'll agree with this. But i also think that it does nobody any favors, least of all the shitholes they come from to take the smartest from these countries. If you take all the smart ones, then all you have left are the dumb ones, then you have countries like s. african nations where nobody can figure out how to drill a well for drinking water, or thinks HIV cures reside in cough syrup.

pretty sure their cure for HIV is raping babies or eating albino Africans...
No it's a place of opportunities. Smart people DO want to go there. It's just that they'll bring their incompatible cultures and political beliefs with them.

Well, not all immigrants are rapeugees. Anyone who works in the tech industry knows dozens of hard working, intelligent and decent people from all over the world. I work with Vietnamese, Cambodians, Russians, Germans, Spaniards, Polish, etc. they are all family people like me, putting in a good days work.

As a matter of fact, our founding fathers wanted a government that attracted the talented and/or wealthy from all over the world. If you ever read the anti-federalist papers, you would know this to be fact. Now we have strayed from that. They did not want lazy criminals.
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But the immigrants vote left.


Doesn't matter how they vote, really. We are America. We are a nation of immigrants. We love to have people move here and they can exercise their freedom to vote however they want. However, we cannot support having everyone move here. I am not in favor of a totally merit based system just because I have met plenty of people who excel when given a chance. I am certainly not for "open borders" because that is just chaos.
we are most definitely not a nation of immigrants and that lie needs to stop being spouted

we're a nation founded by white western Europeans