were you privileged growing up?

yes but that didnt stop quark from feeding me rat poison at the age of 2 shortly after a double hernie operation

wat i mean by this is that there are different types of privilege
privilege can be relative

when you have millions of dollars but you get the weirdo dad that decides to punish you for not walking your dog freshman year of university by pushing the dog onto a highway where it gets almost killed by a car

the money means nothing

i wonder how baron trump will turn out

You know it, brah! White, male, parents modestly well off, big family.

Best I got for victimhood status was being the youngest child.
relatively, but not excessively

mostly I feel like I was privileged in terms of opportunities, second chances and simple genetics
fuck no, my father worked his ass off for what we had, and i worked my ass off for what i have.
relatively, but not excessively

mostly I feel like I was privileged in terms of opportunities, second chances and simple genetics

meanwhile coombz on reddit says

Some food related things, and people queuing properly for buses :)

Not much else really, to be honest. I feel like living in Wellington has completely spoiled me for anywhere else!

Our kids are only 4 and 7, so I don't think that I'm really qualified to comment on that part. One thing I'm VERY sure of is that I would not want my kids being raised in the same place that I was (and I'm not even from a particularly shitty part of the UK).

Compared to the UK, on a day to day basis the things I love the most are how things look - feel like I see more sunshine, and more green and blue, than grey and grey and grey. I also think the overall culture is just much nicer here.



but will not rent to blacks
One of my brothers good friends married some super liberal girl he met in college because it was a small school with slim pickings. She cried when Hillary lost. She posted about white privelage on facebook, etc. Her husband is an orthopedic surgeon now and their kids go to private school. I wanted to ask her why she didn't send them to public school if she thought white privelage was so bad. Apparently it's ok though if it's your own kids.
One of my brothers good friends married some super liberal girl he met in college because it was a small school with slim pickings. She cried when Hillary lost. She posted about white privelage on facebook, etc. Her husband is an orthopedic surgeon now and their kids go to private school. I wanted to ask her why she didn't send them to public school if she thought white privelage was so bad. Apparently it's ok though if it's your own kids.


hastie is a dentist and can't spell privilege
You know it, brah! White, male, parents modestly well off, big family.

Best I got for victimhood status was being the youngest child.

The youngest tends to get spoilt more than the oldest. The oldest has to pioneer uncharted territory, forging ahead for the rights of the following siblings. The youngest is mommy's baby.
If one were to view my life as a kid next to a homeless kid in America, then one could say I was privileged. And that the cornerstone to the entire privileged bullshit pushed by Marxists. There is always someone worse off than another but that does not mean we should all be forced to live as that person does/did, and we shouldn't be made to feel guilty because someone else had a harder life. There is always someone worse off.