were you privileged growing up?

on tw if u have a private sector job u get reeeee's

however if u live on disability, welfare, or work for or contract for the public sector you are an accepted member of maga society in good standing

Well i mean you could argue that welfare recipients are actually smarter than people that work? you get to do nothing all day and get paid for it?

true story

your story
This can't be real. No way.

'I love my black hair so much, I shaved my hair off and now only wear wigs.'

What is it with black chicks and wigs.

Ya have jacked up nappy hair deal with it. Dont go platinum blonde or the JLO special from wigs r us. It doesn't look any better than a guy with a toupee
I dated a bikini model who was a latte. She got black hair, though. She wore wigs. because of that - she didn't swim or get it wet.

There is a great movie by Chris Rock - Good Hair. Tells the whole story in a hilarious way.
I can’t complain. I grew up living in a 1200sq ft bungalow with parents that gave a shit. With that said, by the time I was 19, I was making more than my parents combined because I took to ip and networking during the late 90’s boom.