Trump is going to prison

puts on absent hat (since he can't use it anymore)

you guys sent a crooked new york jew lawyer to prison for being scummy and cheating taxes

if cohen wasn't always on your side i don't know what to say

i mean i'm surprised ADL isn't pulling antisemitism card

calling u guys NAZi's for trying to detain him inside an encampment......LMAO

libtard dumbocrats r so fucking stupid, they actually think they r smart. its like arguing logic and physics with a horde of suicidal lemmings running to cliff.
John Dean said:
I think that there's no doubt about the seriousness of the problem we've got. We have a cancer within-close to the presidency, that's growing. It's growing daily. It's compounding. It grows geometrically now, because it compounds itself.

Watergate was huge, and it has defined political corruption over the last 45 years. This is bigger, blacker, worse. Junior is in a world of hurt, senior is looking at jail time.

Where are the "lock her up" chants?
Can you believe a candidate might've attempted to influence how people voted?

I know that's crazy right? I've even heard that these people spend millions and millions of dollars even from Saudi Arabia to try to influence the election. Nuts I tell you.
puts on absent hat (since he can't use it anymore)

you guys sent a crooked new york jew lawyer to prison for being scummy and cheating taxes

if cohen wasn't always on your side i don't know what to say

i mean i'm surprised ADL isn't pulling antisemitism card

calling u guys NAZi's for trying to detain him inside an encampment......LMAO
Lol this

So much

Jew shyster is going to prison and THEY'RE celebrating? I'm gonna crack open a beer it's a good fuckin day
I know that's crazy right? I've even heard that these people spend millions and millions of dollars even from Saudi Arabia to try to influence the election. Nuts I tell you.

dnc also reporting to fbi about hacks this week i hear


not like last time

had to burn those servers
Lol this

So much

Jew shyster is going to prison and THEY'RE celebrating? I'm gonna crack open a beer it's a good fuckin day

Vanster and triple and dealyrunk screaming BURN HIM

and act like they hurting me in the process



only thing that made me laugh harder this week

more absurd than this thread
dnc also reporting to fbi about hacks this week i hear


not like last time

had to burn those servers

crowdstrike provided full forensic images to the fbi

if you unplugged the servers and transported them off to the feds you'd be destroying evidence, you'd lose everything in memory, for one

I get the impression trump people aren't really tech-savvy though
crowdstrike provided full forensic images to the fbi

if you unplugged the servers and transported them off to the feds you'd be destroying evidence, you'd lose everything in memory, for one

I get the impression trump people aren't really tech-savvy though

you really want to have another failed crowdstrike debate?

we already did dodged the important parts and revised the rest

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

CrowdStrike analyst who responded to DNC hack hasn't spoken with Russia investigators: Report

which seems pretty par for the course

and you not remembering the difference between fancy bear leak and podestas email server fiasco

tech savvy for sure......if you were half as smart as you think you are


you would be in the upper half of the bottom half still

when u suck at life maybe u can get a win online one day (just not today)