Trump is going to prison

Michael Cohen said in court that he paid Stormy Daniels “at the direction of” Donald Trump for the purpose of “influencing the election.”


Any day now.
well republicans will never impeach him no matter what.....and many seem to think a sitting president can't be indicted....soooo....probably not
Rex Tillerson Secretary of State - a fucking moron Pentagon meeting
Gary Cohen Economic advisor - dumb as shit Email circulating within the White House
H R McMaster National security advisor - a dope Private dinner
Tom Barrack Friend and supporter - not only crazy, […] stupid Conversation with friend
Gary Cohen Economic advisor - less a person than a collection of terrible traits Email circulating within the White House
Gary Cohen Economic advisor - an idiot surrounded by clowns Email circulating within the White House
H R McMaster National security advisor - “An idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartener” Private dinner
John Kelly Chief of staff - an idiot Conversation with Trump
Sam Nunberg Adviser - he’s an idiot Live TV
Sam Nunberg Adviser - this idiot Campaign conversation
Steve Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury - an idiot Unspecified
Reince Preibus Chief of staff - an idiot Unspecified
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In a stunning day of developments, Donald Trump's former lawyer has claimed he violated campaign laws at the direction of "the candidate" as his former campaign manager was separately convicted of bank and tax fraud.

Arriving in West Virginia for a rally on Tuesday night, the president said he "felt badly" for Manafort, but added that the case had "nothing to do with me". He did not address Mr Cohen's admission of guilt, but made a rambling speech to supporters, mentioning turkeys, an imaginary Chinese driver, and exploding windmills.
Trump directed me to break law, Michael Cohen tells court on day of disaster for president | The Independent
n e day now june 15 im peach mintz etc...... jfc rememba yall only gud lib/prog/demoRAT gon b one dat 6ft undageoun dey r less den real peeps treetem lykkit :king:
I'll admit, I am not an attorney nor do I know much on campaign finance law, but I fail to see how Trump paying a woman with his own money equates to a violation in campaign finance law.

If a candidate pays someone for anything done, this does not make it part of the campaign. The way I am reading the argument is, all candidates lose their 1st amendment rights when they decide to run for office, as every transaction they make, even personally, must be recorded and classified as part of their election.

I fail to see how that is even legal.
aint nobody going to jail anymore thats in the government unless everyone gangs up on them. No one going after the pres.
pretty sure he is a dummy president that gets impeached, which sucks because the markets will settle

also mun they are gonna ban u from the tribes community permanently if u keep acting like that
Even if he doesn't get impeached or indicted, history will remember this as the most embarrassing epic clusterfuck of a comedy presidency in US history. It's not even close.

Wonder how that wall is going? Has Mexico paid up for it yet? :rolleyes:
Even if he doesn't get impeached or indicted, history will remember this as the most embarrassing epic clusterfuck of a comedy presidency in US history. It's not even close.

Wonder how that wall is going? Has Mexico paid up for it yet? :rolleyes:

it will definitely be remembered as the most embarrassing epic clusterfuck of a comedy of propaganda media trying anything and everything to destroy a sitting president in US history. it's not even close.