Ideas for mechanical project?

Those who can, do; those who can't, manage

in my experience (granted my experience has not been in a fucked up backward ass country like America) most people only want to hire managers that are already qualified and proven to be able to do the work of the people that they will be managing

like u hire an experienced accountant to manage your team of accountants, because they are going to know what expectations are realistic, and they are going to be conversant with the kind of problems that come up

u don't hire someone to oversee the building of your house just because they have some bullshit degree in project/people management...u hire someone who has built a shitload of houses before, and tell them to decide what resources they need...because they'd know...right?

isn't this just common sense?

obviously u don't hire someone as a manager of your stables solely because they have performed well at jerking off horses in the past (this is also just common sense)

you pick the person who can get a horse off in 2 minutes flat AND has reasonable people skills and is generally not retarded...because that's all you need for middle management.

in my experience (granted my experience has not been in a fucked up backward ass country like America) most people only want to hire managers that are already qualified and proven to be able to do the work of the people that they will be managing

like u hire an experienced accountant to manage your team of accountants, because they are going to know what expectations are realistic, and they are going to be conversant with the kind of problems that come up

u don't hire someone to oversee the building of your house just because they have some bullshit degree in project/people management...u hire someone who has built a shitload of houses before, and tell them to decide what resources they need...because they'd know...right?

isn't this just common sense?

obviously u don't hire someone as a manager of your stables solely because they have performed well at jerking off horses in the past (this is also just common sense)

you pick the person who can get a horse off in 2 minutes flat AND has reasonable people skills and is generally not retarded...because that's all you need for middle management.


that is exactly how it is supposed to work

people with a ton of experience and knowledge in that field should eventually become project leaders....mentors...etc.

instead we have people with high school degrees as branch managers for advanced physics research facilities.

people who ask if the mars rover can pan over to see where that armstrong fellow planted our flag

asking if guam might flip over if we put too much weight on one side of it....

essentially political appointments for people we can't fire....obviously can't do anything...and we have no concept of what else to do with them.....other than letting shit float.

it is amazing how things are supposed to function.....and how they end up functioning once the inmates start running the insane asylum.
Lots of managers inherit a company built by someone else and then fail. My ambition would be to hire friends and start consulting. Bill Gates did this, hired is friends, you can't really trust anyone else.

might want to use better examples than gates and jobs if you want to sell this to your classmates

He told Evan Davis, who also presents tonight’s BBC Two documentary Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippy, that Steve Jobs had always wanted to run people and be seen as an important thinker, and developed a conservative streak as Apple’s success grew.

“I was so close to Steve Jobs I could never really see the transition,” Wozniak said. “I just wanted to be in engineering only – I never wanted to run a company, never wanted to run things, step on other people – Steve very clearly did, and wanted to be a top executive and a really important thinker in the world.”

The comments align with the ruthless image of Jobs presented in the TV documentary. Jobs, for instance, tricked a young Wozniak into writing code for a computer game but pocketed the majority of the payment for the project from Atari himself. Wozniak admits on the programme that he cried when he heard about Jobs’s scam following the release of a book on Jobs.

“He was always focused on ‘if you can build things and sell them you can have a company’ and ‘the way you make money and importance in the world is with companies’,” Wozniak said. “He wanted to be one of those important people in the world.”

Steve Wozniak: Steve Jobs’ deal made me cry - Telegraph

just saying
Build this, but add some solar panels and motors. Add a variable speed gearbox. Build software to allow motor and gearbox to operated remotely (over web) via TW poll vote threads. You can get a USB hyperdrive motivator these days on ebay that will plug straight into it



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Parachute for drones that deploys with the push of a button and shuts off the engines. If a drone descends too fast, there is rotor wash. Even if the engines are gunned to full blast, the drone still falls to the ground. There are many videos on YouTube explaining this. The answer is to make the drone fly sideways to get out of the wash. But noobs don't know this. I'm not sure if there would be enough time to deploy the parachute, but it's an idea.
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you are the second person I've seen recommend a drone parachute.

If someone can make it so it can easily be clipped onto most popular drone models and isnt too cumbersome, there appears to by a growing market for it
Build a high pressure water gun/cannon that attaches to the front of your bicycle that builds/stores pressure by cycling.

The Bike Blaster 9000.