Ideas for mechanical project?

so your idea is to buy a COTS item (an extremely overpriced one at that) and have someone else program it for you? are ready for management after all

very impressed with these advanced skill sets you have learned and your application of first principle engineering concepts.

this is like asking you to design me a self driving car.....and you pointing to a robot chauffeur system another company offers. Or simply buying one from google and putting your name on it.

that should be an A++ for sure given the abysmal degree mill system you are trying to graduate from.

something like this would be almost three orders of magnitude cheaper btw.

but u know...might require ten minutes of using your own brain.
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so your idea is to buy a COTS item (an extremely overpriced one at that) and have someone else program it for you? are ready for management after all

very impressed with these advanced skill sets you have learned and your application of first principle engineering concepts.

this is like asking you to design me a self driving car.....and you pointing to a robot chauffeur system another company offers. Or simply buying one from google and putting your name on it.

that should be an A++ for sure given the abysmal degree mill system you are trying to graduate from.

something like this would be almost three orders of magnitude cheaper btw.

BPV10NF Vishay Semiconductors | Mouser

but u know...might require ten minutes of using your own brain.

OK expert. Lots of the time the correct option is to source with someone else , to know when you're over your head. This is why they are pushing the consulting business so much more these days because of specialization. (developing a rotary laser/infrared sensor is a massive amount of work even for an electrical engineer, which is why they are $30k start for multi point systems)

The days of single point sensors are over. They tell you nothing about the environment of the system. They literally know nothing. How do you position the curb in 3D space when coming in at an angle ? using 1 sensor? If you use 2 or more sensors, a little more certainty, but that would give you a vector (assuming the beam hits a curb, and not the pavement - and it would be too late). Not a 3d position and form of the curb. Using 2 360 degree sensors you would have a very good idea of where the curb is at 20 ms intervals - well enough to put full confidence in the system.
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OK expert. Lots of the time the correct option is to source with someone else , to know when you're over your head. This is why they are pushing the consulting business so much more these days because of specialization. (developing a rotary laser/infrared sensor is a massive amount of work even for an electrical engineer, which is why they are $30k start for multi point systems)

yeah, except you don't need that item to do this job.

assuming you are too dumb/lazy/inept to use a can purchase the premade proximity sensor Plasmatic posted (comprising a photodiode and receiver + assembly) for well under ten dollars (on Ebay...not overpriced Sparkfun).

OMG...or worst case you can use an array of them.

This is my aren't a specialist at anything. You pretend to be a master of all trades but are a jackoff of one. You throw a bunch of ideas together you couldn't possibly begin to do yourself, or comprehend, and just point to other people that can make everything work for you. Cool stuff Steve Jobs....Find enough Wozniak's and all your problems can be solved for you.

No real point in you even going for a grade on this project, or obtaining a degree, when you should just point to another persons time/effort/engineering skills to justify yourself. In your final report just send them a link to something you can buy online, or something someone can build for you elsewhere.


or wear one of these

Get enough Togo's in a room and you can have all the useless middle management that any corporation, or bungling government bureaucracy could ever begin to ask for.

togo at work....he has people skills. he has the big ideas so others don't have to.
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I suggest you actually try making a robot or two and then decide if cheap parts like that really showcase the end product you want customers to see - maybe if I wanted to be humiliated or considered second rate, I would

but I like making products that get the job done and are bug free. Using cheap sensors like this is the classic novice mistake when they first get into this hobby as it was for me.
This is my aren't a specialist at anything. You pretend to be a master of all trades but are a jackoff of one. You throw a bunch of ideas together you couldn't possibly begin to do yourself, or comprehend, and just point to other people that can make everything work for you. Cool stuff Steve Jobs....Find enough Wozniak's and all your problems can be solved for you.

No real point in you even going for a grade on this project when you should just point to another persons time/effort/engineering skills to justify yourself with that too.

Get enough Togo's in a room and you can have all the useless middle management that any corporation, or bungling government bureaucracy could ever begin to ask for.

you also do not understand what I am expected to know at this point, as previously stated instrumentation and electronics is not my specialty, most of these projects are machine shop projects that are built around a study of how to improve the operation of some product.

CS people on TW would take 3 days what would take me weeks to begin to do on a part time basis.
May assume managerial or administrative responsibility for a wide range of technical endeavours.

May supervise and coordinate a diverse working group and train less experienced technical and professional staff."


thank you!!

the best way for you to build this project sounds like finding actual engineering students for you to manage over

tell them you will compensate them by sharing part of the credit for their work
Dunno about that, the real money is in management. I watched my former boss try to do it and fail. He knew what each of us could do individually, but could not get us to perform as a team.

I have to give Steve Jobs more credit than just knowing how to make a phone nobody knew existed yet, he also got tens of thousands of employees to work as a team and profited.

His battle was against upper management, same as mine
Lots of managers inherit a company built by someone else and then fail. My ambition would be to hire friends and start consulting. Bill Gates did this, hired is friends, you can't really trust anyone else.
how about a giant robot that shoots lasers and rockets and shit

that would be p cool

I definitely considered this and the idea has evolved into building a home defense system. My primary concern is out of control federal government.

I think a taser equipped drone would be the logical capstone once the sensors and computer are working good

other more lethal options used by billionaires, wire 50 shotgun cartridges to the back of a board on your door and a kill switch.