Ideas for mechanical project?

Build a cheap and modular grey water storage system that can maintain the water's quality for long periods of time and that can feed into a water purifier.
left hand on the wall

standard dungeon crawler :)

if either the start or end point is not along the perimeter or a part of the same structure this method fails

although if he did that as his project he could let them be on the perimeter and save himself the fun
How can you start a maze without entering on the perimeter? No teleportation and no trapdoors. We don't have 3D in my dungeons
:idea: How about something that would help you and other semi-fubared religitards?

Like an nfc sticky that you can put on Bibles, every time you reach for one, a helmet mounted lithium-ion battery pack provides the juice to shock the motherfucking bejeebers out of you.

Also the helmet mounted pack could carry sensors to isolate those neurone pathways that carry bat shit thoughts, which can be zapped.

Getting rid of extemporaneous cobwebs will be an enlightening experience for you, lifting you above the unwashed religitard masses.
Parachute for drones that deploys with the push of a button and shuts off the engines. If a drone descends too fast, there is rotor wash. Even if the engines are gunned to full blast, the drone still falls to the ground. There are many videos on YouTube explaining this. The answer is to make the drone fly sideways to get out of the wash. But noobs don't know this. I'm not sure if there would be enough time to deploy the parachute, but it's an idea.

Some helicopters have blades that interfere with wingtip vortices with a slight downward bend at the tip of each blade, sounds like they need to engineer better blades.