How much do you care or know about your diet?

Its great and all, but there is a lot of waste involved and unless you're growing your veggies, it gets pretty expensive quick
It's unbelievable how much simple vegetables are. But, you know, gotta make sure the federal government covers the commodities market every year with the Farm Subsidies.
lol imagine being so poor you complain about the price of fruit and veg

no wonder you guys are always so mad about taxes going to welfare bums, you need that cash bad

feds gotta pay bigly bux 2 help iowan welfare queens keep poisoning the food supply w/ soy and the fuel supply w/ corrosive corn syrup (fraudulently marketed as 'ethanol') so they can win the ultra decisive iowa caucuses in the party primaries

it's how u KAGA (keep america great, assholes)

please clap
lol imagine being so poor you complain about the price of fruit and veg

no wonder you guys are always so mad about taxes going to welfare bums, you need that cash bad

And just like that, coombz understands why welfare queens are all fat-as-fuck. None of them can afford to eat vegetables.
fresh veg is very cheap, it's just that u have 2 buy small amounts and use it before spoilage, so u need 2 go shopping like every other day

and we all kno that the snap cards get maxed out in one run on nonperishables b/c shameeka needs that 35% cash back from pradeep behind the counter so she can buy her weave and get her nails did
shouldn't you be out rattling a change cup sam?

or making some more sad posts about Mexicans stealing your jobs
So I just watched the Rock's daily diet of 5,000 to 7,000 cals a day. How do people eat that many cals and put on zero body fat?

Is it counter balanced by insane amounts of lifting, steroids, ...?
Phelps was putting down 16k per day when he was training for the Olympics. Hence the bong pic.
i have a buddy who is a ridiculously ripped body builder and personal trainer (ex-fatty, turned himself around when he saw himself as a meme online :lol:)

he says smoking weed is really helpful/essential for him to get into the right mindset to deal with having to do certain exercises over and over and over and over and over when he's prepping for a comp

so i guess it's not just helpful for the eating :)
So I just watched the Rock's daily diet of 5,000 to 7,000 cals a day. How do people eat that many cals and put on zero body fat?

Is it counter balanced by insane amounts of lifting, steroids, ...?

Tren. Lots of tren. The primary effect of any anabolic steroid is increased protein synthesis. In order to take advantage of that, you need to eat a lot more than normal. Combine that with already increased lean mass, and the end result is easy 10k calorie territory.

Tren is the magic drug. Makes you sweat like a pig, increases strength by a ton, builds crazy muscle and shreds fat. People on tren tend to get aggro though, so there's that.
lol imagine being so poor you complain about the price of fruit and veg

no wonder you guys are always so mad about taxes going to welfare bums, you need that cash bad


I would guess that coombz gets his woman to do all the grocery shopping...

Most fruit and veg is a huge rip off. IDC how rich you are, paying over $8 for an avocado is ridiculous
A lot cheaper this year, couple of years ago they hit $9 each.

Even apples tho - the other day it worked out about $2 per apple, $3 for a friggen lettuce. Tip - buy smaller apples, that way you get more per kilo. No one needs to eat a grapefruit sized apple anyway.

It definitely costs way more to eat in a healthy manner than it does to buy processed pre packaged food. That is one reason poor people are usually fat (and have horrible blotchy skin).

Shit is bananas
i have a buddy who is a ridiculously ripped body builder and personal trainer (ex-fatty, turned himself around when he saw himself as a meme online :lol:)

he says smoking weed is really helpful/essential for him to get into the right mindset to deal with having to do certain exercises over and over and over and over and over when he's prepping for a comp

so i guess it's not just helpful for the eating :)
Did you, coombz, just make a post that does not revolve around a poster on tw? I mean, yes, you still made a post about someone else so it is still a shitty post but at least it doesn't revolve around someone on this forum.

Is it possible for coombz to make a post that does not revolve around talking about someone else or is he really no different than a female?

Between you, Dutch, blackpeople, and ztir, not one of you can come close to making a post that revolves around the topic at hand. If I were new to the forum and were asked to figure out who was male and who was female based on their posting habits, the 4 of you would go into the female category as the level of conversation coming from the 4 of you go no further than discussing something about someone on the forum.

The typical excuse coming from you 4 for being a female is that no one on this forum is worthy of having a
blackpeople said:
reeeeeal discussion
shouldn't you be out rattling a change cup sam?
why would i be rattling a change cup, coombz? what on earth would make you believe that I am one of the poor's? Have I ever made a post about my personal finances on tw?
or making some more sad posts about Mexicans stealing your jobs
If some ill-informed person on this forum has questions about the importation of the destruction of this nation then sure, I will make a post about how my State is importing its own demise. But, coombz, this thread is not about illegal immigration nor is it about me, something you appear to have a very difficult time figuring out.
I am not sure where people are getting this 10k calories a day thing from.
Try eating 5k calories a day and report back.

also phelps didn't eat 16k calories a day, more close to 10-12k (which is still inhuman)
Tren. Lots of tren. The primary effect of any anabolic steroid is increased protein synthesis. In order to take advantage of that, you need to eat a lot more than normal. Combine that with already increased lean mass, and the end result is easy 10k calorie territory.

Tren is the magic drug. Makes you sweat like a pig, increases strength by a ton, builds crazy muscle and shreds fat. People on tren tend to get aggro though, so there's that.

I had a cube-mate who had the craziest roid rage, shit was hilarious to watch him just snap on people and then turn to me afterwards and be like HOLY FUK man did I just say That?