How much do you care or know about your diet?

You're the one sucking Trump's shriveled dick because he had a shitty reality TV show, not me. How does Barron's sibling taste?

The Don is Barrons father, not sibling.

Although they could be if they had the same mother, which may be a fairly common thing where u grew up.
I don't fuckin stop. Been like that for ever.
Good for you if your knees hold up. You only have one meniscus in each and they wear out. I ran marathons back in the day, now I can't run far any more. Do activities that are easy on the knees. Bike riding is good, so is swimming laps in a pool. When your knees wear out there will be pain, you'll go see the doctor, send you to the Ortho specialist, and they'll scope each one at a time. They basically smooth out the meniscus, but it can wear out again. My advice would be to take it easy on your knees.
I know i make fun of juggs but honestly glad your doing keto bro

U should shop at whole foods and just stay on keto

People joke about ngfm and whole foods but it solves 99% of the problem if you stick to food from there its hard to fuck up (avoid any sugar & carbs eat their meat and produce)
And what about any juicers? I googled there was a question in this thread. I mean, I'm choosing one as a present and reading some reviews like these. Someone was advising Omega, but I have no idea for real what's the difference between all of them
And what about any juicers? I googled there was a question in this thread. I mean, I'm choosing one as a present and reading some reviews like these. Someone was advising Omega, but I have no idea for real what's the difference between all of them

Omega uses slave child labor from the Congo to make their irradiated juicers that give people cancer, I heard.
200g protein a day, medium carbs, low fat. 2 days IF a week where I just eat dinner. Lots of cardio and HIIT. I'm gonna be fucking shredded if my kidneys hold out.