How much do you care or know about your diet?


Veteran XX
Do you eat whatever whenever? When you're shopping groceries are you cheaping out or being picky? What are you picky about?
This is a great opportunity to post your chicken sandwiches in this thread, everyone
Well, if you must know...

I eat a staple diet regularly. I do this for most of the week and then have something different on the weekend.

I have found that this is a good way to maintain my health and also energy levels.

What's my staple? Red beans + rice + a protein. At dinner. Or - I am going through a corn phase right now. So, I take fresh cut corn and cook it up with some spices. Maybe add a protein and just eat a bowl of that. Fruit and nuts during the day only. + espresso for breakfast/throughout. I don't eat anything until around noon. Just coffee.

Then, on the weekend, I eat something that I crave. BBQ, nachos, pizza, burgers, Cuban sandwich, french fries, German chocolate cake, something like that. Usually on Saturday or Friday night. Then, back onto the regular diet.

What do I avoid? Breads. Too much sugar. Too much salt.

I drink water like a madman.

This is the diet I have settled in to and it works. Everyone is different.
I ate whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted without thinking about it at all until I was around 25 (33 now). Up to that point I had always been extremely active so I never carried extra weight. I'm 6'3" and pushing 200lbs right now, fluctuating between 180-200 since my late teens. This winter has been particularly decadent unfortunately, I feel like more of a fatass than I ever have in my life.

I've never followed any kind of diet at all.
Well, if you must know...

I eat a staple diet regularly. I do this for most of the week and then have something different on the weekend.

I have found that this is a good way to maintain my health and also energy levels.

What's my staple? Red beans + rice + a protein. At dinner. Or - I am going through a corn phase right now. So, I take fresh cut corn and cook it up with some spices. Maybe add a protein and just eat a bowl of that. Fruit and nuts during the day only. + espresso for breakfast/throughout. I don't eat anything until around noon. Just coffee.

Corn is junk. Even the rice is questionable honestly it's just a carb filler. Red beans and if the protein source is clean are both good ideas.
I eat whatever the fuck I want because I have good genes and practice reasonable portion control.
I had a 10oz lobster roll and 2 bottles of water tonight at the Beach Clam in Epping NH, I was on a field service call today so my meals were covered by my company. It was delicious. I don’t really over think food other than I avoid fried and drinks with sugar. I tend to eat fish more than meat.
Very structured.

2 hard boiled eggs every morning.
2 TBS of apple cider vinegar
Cashews, almonds, cheese, and salami as a snack

Dinner Rotation:
1. Chicken bowl with sweet potatoes, peppers, pineapple, avocado, and hot sauce for dinner.
2. Pork loin with brussel sprouts and brown rice.
3. Salad with chicken, strawberries, goat cheese, sliced almonds, light vinegrette
4. Trout similar sides
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I eat whatever the fuck I want because I have good genes and practice reasonable portion control.

This is me exactly. I've been between 220 and 235 since I was 14 years old. Pushing 70 now and am still 230. I should cut down on the sweets but really whats it going to gain me...?
This is me exactly. I've been between 220 and 235 since I was 14 years old. Pushing 70 now and am still 230. I should cut down on the sweets but really whats it going to gain me...?
70 is where the harsh decline can start quickly. Neurodegenerative disease and cancer are knocking. Diet is a good path to make sure the rest of your years are spent healthy.
Very structured.

2 hard boiled eggs every morning.
2 TBS of apple cider vinegar
Cashews, almonds, cheese, and salami as a snack

Dinner Rotation:
1. Chicken bowl with sweet potatoes, peppers, pineapple, avocado, and hot sauce for dinner.
2. Pork loin with brussel sprouts and brown rice.
3. Salad with chicken, strawberries, goat cheese, sliced almonds, light vinegrette
4. Trout similar sides
I like this yes.

Are you picky about where the animal products come from? Veggies?
I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Up until 8 years ago, my weight never went above 163. As soon as I hit 40 (8 years ago), things changed. In the past 4 years, I have begun to monitor what and how much I am consuming and try to limit certain things (except alcohol... when I relapsed). I used to eat an entire ribeye but now, I eat about 4 ounces and the rest of my plate is vegies.

I dont eat breakfast and most days I remember to eat lunch but I work so much that I forget about eating lunch a few times a week. I dont eat much fruit though; I buy it and I end up just throwing it away a lot of the times.

I drink about 2.5/3 liters of water every day, even if I am just sitting at my desk all 14 hours a day.

I rarely ever eat fast food or drink a soda. Not exactly sure when the last time I ate FF. I also rarely ever eat out. I would rather prepare and cook my own meals.
I like this yes.

Are you picky about where the animal products come from? Veggies?

Yes, I buy all local chicken and beef (all organic).

I'm less picky about veggies, just look for quality.

Trout is farm raised, but given how expensive wild fish has gotten I make do with it.