Ban Assault Axes

Ask yourself a question Pagy and other suitably qualified dipshits. How many of these massacres were there 30 years ago, and what has changed in the last 30 years that suddenly we have an epidemic.

They still happened, they were just isolated to the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America. Then we opened the borders and invented Twitter, so now we see them 24/7 on the news and the Internet.
Everything ISIS is doing right now are things Mohammed would be doing if he were alive today. It's a very consistent religion.
It's cruel to expect people like the axe wielder to fit in to a civilised society. He should be home running through his sand/rock landscape picking berries, herding goats, and rendering his mud brick walls of his little hut, so he and his first cousin can raise some children. It's inhumane.
Everything ISIS is doing right now are things Mohammed would be doing if he were alive today. It's a very consistent religion.

gotta give them that at least... unlike christians they managed to maintain maximum crazy. even the 1 paki guy at work u'd think is completely sane gets triggered if you bring up islam.

while with even the craziest christards, like togo, you can shit on the cross at easter mass and theyll just mutter something about sins n shit.
Pagy / Rayn, my 30 years comment was with reference to such attacks taking place in the Western world. Feel free to provide a list to support your apparent belief that I'm wrong
Ask yourself a question Pagy and other suitably qualified dipshits. How many of these massacres were there 30 years ago, and what has changed in the last 30 years that suddenly we have an epidemic.

The first Ghostbusters was released.

Now we have a reboot, things should calm down again.
i'm still laughing at the concept of muslims killing white people only starting 30 years ago for some unstated, implied justified reason
i'm still laughing at the concept of muslims killing white people only starting 30 years ago for some unstated, implied justified reason

Let me remind you what I actually said so that you can review your imaginative interpretation of it, and then maybe even answer the question. Probably not though.

"How many of these massacres were there 30 years ago, and what has changed in the last 30 years that suddenly we have an epidemic"
I already explained it, but you tend to ignore rational and reasoned responses.
Muslim's started wars with others by committing terrorist attacks against their countries?
according to mitch

white people falling silent during islamic prayer speakers out of fear of stoning and imprisonment is an example of religious tolerance
I already explained it, but you tend to ignore rational and reasoned responses.

If you go back and reread, you actually agreed with me, on the basis that I was referring to attacks carried out in the so-called civilised world.
according to mitch

white people falling silent during islamic prayer speakers out of fear of stoning and imprisonment is an example of religious tolerance

I predicted you wouldn't answer the question. You didn't answer the question. :shrug:
If you go back and reread, you actually agreed with me, on the basis that I was referring to attacks carried out in the so-called civilised world.

Who said I disagreed? You asked a question and I answered it, dipshit.