Ban Assault Axes


Veteran XV
About 20 people injured in axe attack on train in Germany | World news | The Guardian

A man armed with an axe has injured 10 to 15 people on a train in the northern Bavarian town of Würzburg, local police have said. Several were injured critically, the spokesman said.

The attacker was shot, the Main Post reported, though the police declined to comment on that, saying an operation was still ongoing.

A man attacked passengers with “cutting and stabbing weapons”, the Bayerischer Rundfunk quoted police as saying.

This is a breaking news story. More to follow …

I expect civil discourse with well reasoned arguments to follow.
If the perp had easy access to guns he could have probably KILLED way more than 20 people

allow guns!
Bavaria's Interior Minister identifies suspect in Wursburg, Germany, train attack as 17-year-old Afghan
