Ban Assault Axes

How many of these massacres were there 30 years ago, and what has changed in the last 30 years that suddenly we have an epidemic.
Muslims have been killing any and everything that does not jive with Islamic law since it was created.

The only difference of 30 years ago/today is that the Soviet Union is no more and instead of worrying about MAD, we are focused on terrorist attacks.

They still happened, they were just isolated to the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America. Then we opened the borders and invented Twitter, so now we see them 24/7 on the news and the Internet.
what changed in the last 30 years?

mitch moved to dubai to organize the islamic terror offensive against the west - they call it "logistics"
What terrible occurrence led to Mitch's incomprehensible inferiority complex? That is the real terrorism here. I feel for his family that he must make excuses for societal cancer. Surely they would benefit from a real man guiding them to reality. If I were his kin, I would likely join Hezbollah to try and erase my past.
How the FUCK is the First Order so strong after the defeat of the Empire 30 years ago? How the hell do they have the resources to build an even more powerful weapon than the Death Star? Why do they leave the same stupid ass weaknesses on it? Why is the Resistance called like that? They should be the fucking REPUBLIC. They're not supposed to be in a position of inferiority, they should be in a dominant position since they form the official governement after the defeat of the Empire. How the hell didn't the Republic foresee the construction of Starkiller Base with all the intelligence they should have? It's like : ''OH, THEY HAVE A MEGA POWERFUL WEAPON NOW, GUESS WE GOTTA DESTROY IT''. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? How could the Republic be so INCOMPETENT to not have ANY kind of information about such a weapon and be SURPRISED by its existence? It's baffingly stupid. This ''rhyme'' feels extremely forced. Rey beats Kylo Ren without any formal training. Nice. Totally logical. Because Luke immediately beat Vader right? This movie is just a bunch of incoherent fanservice that copies a New Hope's story WAY too much. It plays it VERY safe and lacks any originality.
What terrible occurrence led to Mitch's incomprehensible inferiority complex? That is the real terrorism here. I feel for his family that he must make excuses for societal cancer. Surely they would benefit from a real man guiding them to reality. If I were his kin, I would likely join Hezbollah to try and erase my past.

being a 5 ft 200 lb ginger cuck on a mid life crisis in a country you can't watch porn, play poker, drink beer w/out permit, or eat bacon

might have something to do with it
and the answer he seeks (while not having the balls to outright say it) is:
"the west is responsible for/deserves the terror because of the wars they wage in the middle east."

happy now ?
They have been fighting and killing each other like insane savages in the middle east region long before big oil or America existed.

If you have a wasp problem, you find the nest right? or you could have a media campaign after each time someone is bit, and just continue along again till the next bite, bitching about wasps regularly.

PS: Cuck
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How the FUCK is the First Order so strong after the defeat of the Empire 30 years ago? How the hell do they have the resources to build an even more powerful weapon than the Death Star? Why do they leave the same stupid ass weaknesses on it? Why is the Resistance called like that? They should be the fucking REPUBLIC. They're not supposed to be in a position of inferiority, they should be in a dominant position since they form the official governement after the defeat of the Empire. How the hell didn't the Republic foresee the construction of Starkiller Base with all the intelligence they should have? It's like : ''OH, THEY HAVE A MEGA POWERFUL WEAPON NOW, GUESS WE GOTTA DESTROY IT''. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? How could the Republic be so INCOMPETENT to not have ANY kind of information about such a weapon and be SURPRISED by its existence? It's baffingly stupid. This ''rhyme'' feels extremely forced. Rey beats Kylo Ren without any formal training. Nice. Totally logical. Because Luke immediately beat Vader right? This movie is just a bunch of incoherent fanservice that copies a New Hope's story WAY too much. It plays it VERY safe and lacks any originality.

Supposed to be, dewd. First in what will be the new star wars reality.

Hold your breath for rebel one, if that's more story garbage, then I'll help pour the gasoline.