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  1. K

    I'm a changed man.

    In the past 2 years I've made tremendous progress on my education (I graduate in 2 quarters), rediscovered my immense love of playing music, learned how to party, and learned all kinds of ghetto shit (cultural awareness ) My life has made a full 180 and I couldn't be happier. And I honestly...
  2. K

    Juggernaught is a LARPer.

    Cliffs: This ran around in pretend armor and hit people with foam swords. Discuss.
  3. K

    Tahnit likes bad games.

    Or I should rather say "Tahnit only likes games with massive production and advertising budgets that cater to the lowest common denominator and only get good reviews because the mega publishers can afford to buy them," but that doesn't fit in the topic field neatly. Case in point: He likes...
  4. K

    [Official]I did not watch any news outlet today because I don't give a shit.

    I have no idea what Obama did or said. I have not so much as heard a sound bite. Because, as in every election, I don't give a shit. What other non-fags are with me? Discuss.
  5. K

    Lord of the nerds

    Explain, nerdlings: Gandalf is supposed to be some sort of immortal god-thing. So is Sauron. How is it then that Gandalf somehow magically forgets about Sauron/the ring and has to go "research" the subject in Gondor? Discuss.
  6. K

    Bands like Moonsorrow

  7. K


    I just got well over 10K from the Feds. Just for being fucking awesome. Thanks, taxpayers!
  8. K

    Joel vs. Mike?

    After recent reviewings and some new RT viewings, I'm going to have to say, Mike, though it is very close (like 49-51.) Mike's delivery just makes me laugh. Also of note would be the Trace vs. Bill debate. I would have to go with Trace, but I do like Bill a lot. But what of the ultimate: Trace...
  9. K

    I hate school.

    -Gay bureaucracy -Ripoff -Fratfags Etc. Discuss.
  10. K

    Would you rather be reincarnated as a PzKpfw III Ausf. E or StuG III Ausf. G?

    Also, how do you personally feel about SPGs? Do they have a place in the modern world? Discuss.
  11. K

    Has fraggle's latest attention whoring attempt backfired yet?

    Or any other notable drama? I have not had time to keep up with Tribalwar nerdvirigin drama for the past few weeks, so get me up to speed. Discuss.
  12. K


    Are there any non-gay mods for SC4? I've checked "simtropolis" and, ignoring the fact that the website is a piece of shit with zero bandwidth and horrible structure, it seems there's really nothing worthwhile. Which surprises me since it has been out for 5 years. Discuss.
  13. K

    How shitty is Sim City Societies?

    I had an urge to play SC4 the other day, so I reinstalled it. I have discovered that the game crashes every two seconds unless you have a piece of shit Creative sound card. Short of removing my Montego that works flawlessly in every single other game/application on the planet, there's really not...
  14. K


  15. K

    Holday dinner. :(

    Happy holidays, guys. :(
  16. K

    ITT: I will answer questions about military equipment/history.

    I'm in a good mood. I may also post pictures if requested. People bitch that I don't make threads of this nature anymore. So here you are. Albeit on a Sunday night.
  17. K

    Situation #578: On a life raft with TW posters.

    While at a video game party on a cruise ship, the ship strikes a reef and begins to sink. The life rafts hold five. There is one left. Which four TW posters do you allow to board the raft, leaving the others to their fate? Your choices: 1: Suicide Taxi 2: Gigafool 3: TseTse 4: Drakus 5...
  18. K

    The Northwest Angle should annex Canada.

    I'm 100% certain that the fine US citizens there are more than capable of defeating the entire Canadian military. After annexation, the Northwest States could join the US and all French people could be deported to Madagascar. Discuss.
  19. K

    In defense of TRiPle at NerdLAN.

    As most of us know, TrIple attended NerdLAN several years ago. His presence provoked controversy before the nerd party had even ended, with reports of "seat stealing" and anti-social behavior reaching the forums quickly. However, the most infamous and widely told story of TrIpLe's NerdLAN...
  20. K

    I'm on my 5th Intellimouse Explorer.

    #1: T1 era. Died mid-match (optical failure.) #2: Died in some other game in 2003 (optical failure.) #3: Died in PS in 2004 or 5 (LMB/optical failure.) #4: Started shitting out right before Fallout 3 (shitty game) came out (LMB failure.) #5: Just plugged in now. Discuss.