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    New Guitar: Jackson Professional Soloist XL

    I actually traded for this guitar a little over a month ago, but I wanted to write a review after getting it setup and playing on it for a while. I found a guy on Craigslist that wanted $700 for a 1994 Jackson Professional Soloist XL, and, since I was short on funds, I offered him my 1985 MIJ...
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    The Non-Fiction Books Recommendation Thread

    I wasn't sure if TW had a non-fiction recommendation thread like the sci-fi/fantasy one (the most recent non-fiction thread I found was from 2008, and it wasn't a general recommendations thread), and I want some good reading for the summer while I am out of school. I'll start with my...
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    Schilling's Gaming Bankruptcy and the Bloody Sock

    Curt Schilling could have to sell bloody sock as collateral for failed loans - ESPN Boston
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    ESP Eclipse Modifications

    So, I'm trying to sell my ESP Eclipse on Craigslist. Here is what it looked like before I modified it: As you can see, its a guitar only a specific person would buy. I needed to make some changes to its visuals to make it a bit more marketable. After ordering some small parts and learning...
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    Guitar Modifications - Stetsbar

    Hey everyone, I'm happy with the setup on most of my guitars, but my Gibson Flying V needs some work. Here's a picture of how it is currently setup: There are two things in particular that I have wrong with the way the guitar is setup: one is the Maestro Tremolo System, and the other is...
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    [(#)SOCCER] The Official 2010-2011 Soccer Thread

    After the World Cup its time to look forward to the upcoming soccer season! EPL Fixture List can be found here: BBC SPORT | Football | Premier League | Fixtures I think the Daily Mail's sports page is a great site for reading soccer related news (specifically Premiere League). If you click a...
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    Youtube Channels

    Hey guys, I've toyed with the idea of starting a youtube channel for a while, and yesterday I uploaded my first video. One reason why I'm starting a channel is because I teach a small class of young kids that are just starting out playing the guitar, and this is one way I can show them the...
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    [Music] Upcoming/Recent Concerts

    Anyone seen any good shows lately? There are a couple upcoming shows in my area that I am really excited about. Damn I am glad I live in a big city again.
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    Switching Phone Companies

    Just looking for a little advice. Right now I am on my parents' plan (Sprint) and I am about to get off of it so help them cut some costs, so I am in the market for my own phone company. I don't have any particular kind of phone I want, although I do love Sanyos. I simply want a messaging (and...
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    [TW Metalheads] Summer Slaughter Tour 2009

    I will be there today. Be jealous.
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    Post Pics of You Playing

    These were taken a couple of weeks ago when my buddy and I got invited to come to a late night jam at a bar, so we got up and played some of our original funk with my girlfriend and another friend. Then at the end of the night I got invited to come back onstage with the main guy for a jam (last...
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    [post your gear] New Cabinet Day! :D

    So I surf Ebay every so often to see if I can catch any deals on a Buy It Now, and so far I've gotten pretty lucky with my purchases. In fact, if I am buying gear, Ebay is usually where I buy stuff from because I've had very good experiences. Today I bought a Genz Benz G-Flex 4x12 for $525...
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    [Big XII] Texas Tech vs Texas

    Suck it Texas. Wreck 'em Tech!
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    Daft Punk - Something About Us

    Check this out: Bkp9bDGDd1w
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    Report - Pats make an offer to ex-Dolphin Thomas

    ESPN - Report: Patriots make offer to former Dolphins linebacker Thomas - NFL Hilarious. Thomas is a great player, but the Pats are looking a little long in the tooth at linebacker. Oh, and here is the thread where a ton of people were calling this before it was announced...
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    Help Purchasing a Bike

    This was originally directed at ptavv, but I figured I'd open it up to everyone in a thread. Does anyone know a lot about cycling? I'm looking to get a bike on the cheap.. something that resembles a BMX-style bike (low seat, etc). Something akin to that. The amount of riding will be small...
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    [boxing] Mayweather vs. Hatton

    ESPN - Mayweather Jr. ready to fight 'overrated' Hatton - Boxing I think Mayweather will beat his ass.
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    Does anyone have...

    the picture of the two mexican dudes, one playing the guitar and the other holding the bottle of liquor? I searched google and on the forum but I was unable to locate it. ;(
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    My Asshole Neighbors

    My neighbor down two houses left a threatening note on my roommate's girlfriend's car last night for parking in front of his house. But first, a little background: I've lived at this house for over two years now and I have never had a problem with any of my neighbors until six months ago...