Write-up On Midair (giant wall of text)

lol this game.

The developers deserve the shithole they find themselves in now.

Bunch of greedy cunts tried a big cash grab with nothing to show for it, and now they scramble - I (among other business savvy minds on TW) warned you turd burglars from 'donating' money to a bunch of morons. I mean, they had the fucking audience captive of who made the game they tried to emulate - great....yet they pissed that away with an attempt to make a couple thousand bucks. Short sighted code monkey fuckers.
I'm not sure why everyone here writes off the tribes 2 community so easily. The game had a lot of fans and a thriving community, and while the vocal majority here are t1 players I am sure there are lurking members of the T2 community who are just as passionate about this game not sucking as the rest of you.
I'm not sure why everyone here writes off the tribes 2 community so easily. The game had a lot of fans and a thriving community, and while the vocal majority here are t1 players I am sure there are lurking members of the T2 community who are just as passionate about this game not sucking as the rest of you.

T2 felt like slow motion to me

Imagine playing such a fast paced fun game as t1 then firing up t2 for the first time and moving around like molasses with vehicles flying around and eocket launchers

If you never played t1 then it was fun for you prob but not me
I played T1 through Tribes:Ascend, and the issues (that has been discussed ad nauseum) is that T2 suffered from a terrible launch that was overhyped. The diehard veteran top teams from T1 played it for an hour, and promptly quit, remarking what a pile of steaming shit it was. The speed cap, terrible map design, over-reliance in vehicles, and other design decisions doomed the game. That the game lost all support from the publishing company was a final nail in the coffin. The game was saved somewhat by B++ and Classic mods, as well as some retro map pack releases was too late, as the core players from T1 mostly quit.

I personally enjoyed T2:classic, I thought it was a decent enough game.
T2 felt like slow motion to me

Imagine playing such a fast paced fun game as t1 then firing up t2 for the first time and moving around like molasses with vehicles flying around and eocket launchers

If you never played t1 then it was fun for you prob but not me
All I am saying is that not all of us were around for T1 and T2 vets get largely written off by this community. We all loved the same things about tribes, speed, freedom of movement, skill shots. The skill ceiling was so high there were always ways to challenge yourself and improve, is what I remember about Tribes 2. I can live without vehicles and rockets, but when they were balanced there was a place for them.

I should add that I hated base T2 when I started playing, I played mostly Ren, LakRabbit, and Tr2.
I enjoy Midair more than T2c

if they tweaked a few things in Midair, I would prob enjoy it as much as I enjoyed T1. LCTF plays a little different than T1 LT, but the concepts are about the same. Slight tweaks in playstyles and you find that it's pretty decently balanced. You just can't approach it like it's T1.
All I am saying is that not all of us were around for T1 and T2 vets get largely written off by this community. We all loved the same things about tribes, speed, freedom of movement, skill shots.

Those things didn't exist in T2, that's the issue. Speed wasn't there, freedom of movement wasn't there, skill shots were significantly easier. So developers should not listen to T2 players or be T2 players themselves, since that game was inferior to T1 in every facet. T1 was a fluke. T2 was the shitpile the designers at Dynamix wanted to make. T1 was intended to be played so: buy an APC, load it up, fly to enemy base. Imagine what a shit game that would've been if it weren't for some nerds finding skiing.
I made money from T2 so I like it lots. Also t2c was awesome. That isn't taking anything away from t1 but we all move forward

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Those things didn't exist in T2, that's the issue. Speed wasn't there, freedom of movement wasn't there, skill shots were significantly easier. So developers should not listen to T2 players or be T2 players themselves, since that game was inferior to T1 in every facet. T1 was a fluke. T2 was the shitpile the designers at Dynamix wanted to make. T1 was intended to be played so: buy an APC, load it up, fly to enemy base. Imagine what a shit game that would've been if it weren't for some nerds finding skiing.

so you are going to ignore all the work that the community, modders, and mappers did to change T2 into something better, much the same as the T1 community did. The only difference here is that skiing was already in T2, imagine if a bunch of nerds hadn't loved Tribes so much that they attempted to fix the game.
There was definitely a stigma for people who liked people that liked t2 but really it smack of "yeah but back in my day"

I'm definitely not saying t2 was better than t1 but it was damn fun its own right.

It reminds me of gatekeepers when I hear the whole "yeah but you didn't know t1" thing. I loved t1 but people don't need to know all of the history of a franchise to enjoy a game.

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so you are going to ignore all the work that the community, modders, and mappers did to change T2 into something better, much the same as the T1 community did. The only difference here is that skiing was already in T2, imagine if a bunch of nerds hadn't loved Tribes so much that they attempted to fix the game.

Yeah T2 got better once people like z0dd made it closer to what T1 was. So... just make a game more like T1. Don't add fucking vehicles. Well ok maybe add one vehicle so you can spend all your vehicle related efforts to carefully balance it. Don't add missile launchers. Don't add stupid gimmicks. Don't add half a dozen different grenades and mines. Don't paywall gameplay like the retards who created Midair. That way new players can try all the armors, they can try deploying, they can try sitting on the flag in heavy armor, they can try sniping etc. I've barely gamed in the past decade and these things seem like completely basic common sense, yet developer after developer keeps fucking up these fundamentals. I don't understand what is so difficult about this.