Write-up On Midair (giant wall of text)

Nothing should ever counter the OP shield pack. I should be able to keep your base down through at least four waves of your entire team coming at me. Fuck balance. Good games don't do that.

Sure, you are able to blow past 5 defenders all attempting to defend the flag, moving at crazy high speeds, clearing the flag yourself and grabbing it, and single-handedly scoring a point for your team, cowboy winning the entire game, but let's draw the line at being able to hold a nearly useless objective for more than 15 seconds. We need special exceptions that no one will ever even use built in the game to put a stop to that "overpowered" nonsense. It's not enough that you can just respawn right next to your insignificant base with full health, mortars, heavy armor, and a shield-pack of your own alongside teammates that will assist you in removing an already beat-up attacker.

If you do not defend your flag, you are severely punished. If you do not defend your base, should there not also be punishment? Otherwise let's just play LT?

There is a double standard in your logic, in that you are claiming that it is unbalanced for Guy A to be able to lift 100 pounds when Guy B can lift 200 pounds.

By your logic, there should be a lone weapon that does increased damage to anyone wearing an energy pack, the best pack in the game, ya know, to specifically counter that OP shizzle.

As I stated, the shield penetration on the blaster doesn't even matter. I was only using it as an example of flawed paper scissors stone logic. Furthermore I agree that the shieldpack has issues.

There is a reason you never heard complaints about the shield-pack being OP in the original game. The balance was entirely different.
Mostly agree on everything you said with only a few different views, of course I have other opinions I'm just too fucked to type them all so I will go by with what you have and just go from there.

Spawning with gear:

I don't think they should spawn useless I think they should have a fixed spawn basic gear with medium armor, why medium? because its the middle armor its harder to kill, the movement will be easier to learn along with transitions to the other armors, and they will be less useless. the spawn armor should be able to do the basics (cap, chase, destroy a turret, defend) but at the bare minimum, this would also still keep players attached to their base, if they wanted better weapons, packs etc they would still need to go to base and repair or defend if there shit was rekt. They did this in the popular t1 mods like renegades, annihilation etc


Agreed on the most part, just wanted to add that the "reload" , weapon switching and fire rate are also faster, gay and really lower the skill ceiling for arena and dueling.

More Air Control:

I feel it should be decreased as well but if they do then they would need to slow down disc's also (which is what we want) or else no one would miss MA's

Lack of skidding:

Agreed, just wanted to add that it also helps people learn the physics/movement of the game as well.

Since this is somewhat related, I also don't like the "skating" aspect of the game, Tribes had a "hoppy" feeling due to the little hop we do when we press space or have it binded to our jets as well but it was a prefect feeling for indoor arena with fighting on flat surfaces, its also important for dueling.
I tried this game over the weekend. I wanted to reminisce about Tribes 1, and this didn't really hit the spot. Everything feels sluggish. It seems quite difficult to reach fast speeds, unlike in T1. The jets feel underpowered. If you don't drop the 20 bux, you can't do anything. Can't HO, HoF, can't deploy, can't snipe, can't properly take down dumb ass vehicles which at least the flier is quite strong I thought. The graphics are awful and whoever is the AD needs to get sacked. Weapon models suck, player models suck. No "Shazbot". No "you idiot". They monetized wrong. Everything should be unlocked, and then they can milk cash with things like custom disc trails, jet trails, custom armor models and skins, custom HUD skins, custom announcers, custom voice packs on and on. The UX is also terrible.
I tried this game over the weekend. I wanted to reminisce about Tribes 1, and this didn't really hit the spot. Everything feels sluggish. It seems quite difficult to reach fast speeds, unlike in T1.

I believe there is a speed cap, like T:A... Not sure.

They monetized wrong. Everything should be unlocked, and then they can milk cash with things like custom disc trails, jet trails, custom armor models and skins, custom HUD skins, custom announcers, custom voice packs on and on.

i gave up on them. its the same shit every 6 weeks. new patch..they make an announcement and tag everyone in discord. Ppl get excited play for a few days and drop again cus nothing thats been asked for has been given. Then they go silent another 6 weeks. Rinse and repeat. So frustrating cus the game couldve been legit if they werent so out of touch.

I'll never get my 1,085 hours back. XD

Still no updated sounds for grab/dropping flag after 2 years after numerous requests.

6 months were wasted by them for making vehicles that are pretty lackluster in gameplay and looks.

I'll fire it up to play "comp" (lol) if it happens, but I'm not willing to open up the game for pugs or pubs.
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im glad that they tried to standardize LT, i just dont think it has enough depth as the original

which is odd because quake 3 has more depth than quakeworld IMO and tribes always seems to regress

i think its a 10/10 game for a hobbyist project and if it helps keep tribes alive im all for it

i couldnt recommend playing this game over t1 in its current state :(

i think this should be the official thread and i wont post again



They need to acknowledge peoples issues with the game instead of blatantly ignoring them. Not all feedback is good and i get that, but some of the suggestions theyve been given for free could really help them make the game better.

I've told them numerous times before and after release that by default if they decided to keep the unlock treee that they should give you the epack. Otherwise, it makes the first impression bad cus you have no energy to move around.

Edit: they posted on reddit a new patch should increase fps by 5-15fps. at least they responded to something.
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