Summer Movies


Veteran XV
OK, I have watched a few of the summer movies...and so far have been kind of disappointed. I have not watched Star Trek yet, and I hear good things. I have been told that Man of Steel is very good.

What say you TW? What are the summer movies that are must see? and what are those to avoid.

So far:

World War Z-avoid, watch it at home.

The Purge-its only an hour and twenty minutes, but its pretty solid once it gets going. I would not pay to see it, but it was a pretty decent time killer.

Kind of pissed that we have to wait another six f'ing months to see the next Hobbit installment. :ugh:
I like scary movies, but not gory ones. The movies that make you jump...

This is the preview for The Conjuring. The one played before WWZ made several in the theatre jump and scream and spill popcorn/drinks.

The new Matt Damon movie Elysium looks like it might be pretty solid...there has not been a great deal of good SCIFI lately.

Yeah Star Trek was pretty disappointing overall. Entertaining, but quite stale.

Looking forward to Wolverine and Pacific Rim. Might check out Man of Steel. WWZ sounds ass.

Literally nothing over in Australia about The Conjuring, but it looks good too.
Just about everyone in The Purge seemed to have an IQ below 80...

WW Z seemed like it was edited by someone on bathsalts. :shrug:
both star trek and man of steel were good if you didn't pay too much attention to plot, character development, script, and so on, but rather just sat and enjoyed the spectacle.

i haven't seen a solid, well-realized movie in awhile. too much pandering to dumb audiences, etc.

you might want to check out redlettermedia's "half in the bag" reviews on youtube. they're mostly pretty accurate, although they're harder on man of steel than i would have been.
I like scary movies, but not gory ones. The movies that make you jump...

This is the preview for The Conjuring. The one played before WWZ made several in the theatre jump and scream and spill popcorn/drinks.

Nice. Classic horror is coming back in a big way.
havax that is a classic summer movie!!

I wish they would make more of the classic/suspenseful type of horror instead of all of the gore these days.
I could kick myself in the ass for seeing wwz instead of fast furious 6 the other night.

man of steel was pretty good. looking forward to insidious 2 and maybe the conjuring.
I enjoyed man of steel, tho some parts were rushed
Star trek was good, one liners got annoying
Wwz was aight