[so] the Amazon Rainforest is burning down

Well, I doubt you have balls, reason why you have faked your picture in Tinder just to pick up on young girls from the distance while you jack off like the creep you are. So what?

do u have that in english
i think he called u a phony, which is p funny coming from a sophisticated europeen archaeologist who's got such a narrow, racist worldview that on several occasions he's implied - and at least once even outright said - that there are few, if any, worthwhile sites in the americas for anthropological study

so idk y he's got his panties in a bunch about the amazin rainforest seeing as how he knows that all the ppl who live there are unimportant and there's rly nothing of anthropological value 2b lost
every time i drive down to Mazatlan from burning California
I see acres and acres of farmland
to prepare for the next crop

ok carey on
notre dame burning? billion+ $ in donations

rainforest burning? ...

meh fuckit not my problem

this is what happens to the boy who cried wolf

"save the rainforest" in 2019 is like parody

also i would be surprised if rainforest charities haven't collectively raised a billion lifetime
How long ago was New York covered by a glacier? What were the CO2 Levels during Earth's ice ages?
Hey Noobis...


lol so easy to manipulate brainwashed ppl like u
Anubis, what do you think should be done to stop all the countries in S. American from burning the forest down to plant crops? Or, is it just this 1 administration that you have a problem with?
You guys can't prove that the same 0.3% of the rainforest on fire that was on fire last year too isn't a direct result of 3 months of right wing policy that was definitely already implemented.
The nerve of that man. How dare he try to feed his own people nationally rather than buying the food on the open market.

Side note: farming is a trillion-dollar a year industry, with the US leading the pack. We have sold a lot of it off to foreign nation but food commodities is very big. While I am stating that this Brazillian is trying to feed his own people locally, more than likely the food produced from burning down the forest will be put on the global market and sold to China, India, and Africa. Those 3 areas comprise close to 50% of the human population.

Personally, I would prefer to see the rain forest thrive and not destroyed for farming but I have no say in the matter. If you do not like this, dont buy any foodstuff from Brazil. For many nations, that is easy but in America, package labeling where the food was grown is difficult to find and that is because it is a trillion-dollar industry. In fact, I think it is the single largest industry on the planet (not sure if still relevant or not) and many times, it is completely protected from ridicule.

Just look at the top 10 mega-financial institutions. Look up the top 6 agricultural companies and you will find those top 10 financial institutions own them. Then look up the 6 media conglomerates and you will, once again, find those same mega-financial institutions own them too. This is repeated in every sector in the global economy. From food to water, to tech, to media, to pharma, chemical companies, defense companies, and the list is damn near endless - all owned by 50 financial companies that also own each other, that are all protected from ridicule from the media companies they control.
Why Everything They Say About The Amazon, Including That It's The "Lungs Of The World," Is Wrong

And yet the photos weren’t actually of the fires and many weren’t even of the Amazon. The photo Ronaldo shared was taken in southern Brazil, far from the Amazon, in 2013. The photo that DiCaprio and Macron shared is over 20 years old. The photo Madonna and Smith shared is over 30. Some celebrities shared photos from Montana, India, and Sweden.

“It’s bullshit,” he said. “There’s no science behind that. The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen but it uses the same amount of oxygen through respiration so it’s a wash.”

Plants use respiration to convert nutrients from the soil into energy. They use photosynthesis to convert light into chemical energy, which can later be used in respiration.

While the number of fires in 2019 is indeed 80% higher than in 2018, it’s just 7% higher than the average over the last 10 years ago, Nepstad said

Deforestation declined a whopping 70% from 2004 to 2012. It has risen modestly since then but remains at one-quarter its 2004 peak. And just 3% of the Amazon is suitable for soy farming.