[so] the Amazon Rainforest is burning down

Rainforest? Is this 1988? We gonna rotate the ozone back into the rotation? Don't forget the whales.
burn it faster

the sooner it's all gone, the sooner we can stop being subjected to hippy dippy bullshit ~but muh rayn forrest~ posts flooding our feeds on normie sites like facebook

ur saying anoobis is rite and bolsonaro is 2 blame b/c of his pro-slash-and-burn policies

take ur klein and ride it right back 2 portugal u commie

he lets the rain forest burn and his people get fed


he stops the slash and burn and food prices go up

pick your poison
When I went to the rainforests of central america the tour guide asked us if we could tell were the big fire took place that made world news 5 years before that, Nobody could tell. He then pointed out a few small tell-tale signs. You could barely tell a difference. He went on about how well the rainforests can rebound and in 2 more years there would be no trace.
Soy is a great fire extinguisher
Along with dropping a giant fedora over the rain forest for a day or two - that oughta handle this shit pronto
The fires were intentionally set by the very same orgs/usual suspects who claim they want to "save the world" in order to trick total dumbasses into buying into their nonsense for both political and monetary gains.

Fun fact: Amazon canopy size has increased exponentially in the last 10 years, and fires are great for new growth.