did you miss the part where I said I was going to eat meat?

also, credit to waidan for the pic which I stoled

I have to figure out address shit and then I or skelly will pm it out, you can probably just pm skelly for the address

tony knows the address too

when was the last time you ate any meat anyway? Sausagefest seems a little extreme for coming off a vegan diet.
almost 2 years, I think I'll stick mostly to chicken to be honest, but maybe a sausage won't kill me...if I get sick I get sick

oh well
you shut your mouth. any day a vegetarian eats meat is a good day
I was just thinking he should "warm up" a bit the week before with some smaller (and easier to digest) meat products. Going from nothing to MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF YUMMY PORK & BEEF FAT usually doesn't work out too well. (the Mrs used to be a vegetarian when we 1st met).
Me: "Hey, there's a party coming up on the 10th"
Wife: "Cool, maybe I'll go. What's the party?"
Me: "It's called 'Sausagefest' and it's a bunch of guys from triba-"
Wife: "Yeah, no. Have fun, let me know if you need to be picked up"
If it will make everyone more comfortable, I will only bring meat products harvested from female creatures.
I was thinking of just ordering udders, but we could have braised beef curtains in a light gravy.
Me: "Hey, there's a party coming up on the 10th"
Wife: "Cool, maybe I'll go. What's the party?"
Me: "It's called 'Sausagefest' and it's a bunch of guys from triba-"
Wife: "Yeah, no. Have fun, let me know if you need to be picked up"

I didnt even get that far. "Hey Ben is having a party in SD.. Did.." <rolleyes>
I demand credit for spawning the interest and getting you fucks off your lazy asses to have sausagefest this year.