[OFFICIAL] The USA have the biggest fucking imbecile for President

All a bunch of empty words. China's population, 1.371 billion. China's PM 2.5 concentration (from your own image), 40. USA has much lower pollution and population. Thinking that in any way China is actually gonna combat climate change and Trump is gonna ruin the planet is just funny. Why on earth do you not point to actually the biggest contributors of pollution instead, if you are so worried?
It's not even worth debating climate change anymore. Clean energy will soon be cheaper than fossil fuels.

Coal is already too expensive compared to natural gas. In small chunks of the world, solar is already more cost efficient than fossils. You can remove all environmental protections, and clean energy will still win out within 10 years. And within 20 years from now, I'm confident we'll solve many of the scaling and reliability issues of clean energy, and within 30 years I believe we can be at 90+% clean energy.
why are u guys continuing a thread started by the biggest fucking imbecile on tw?
He couldn't handle being President of the greatest nation on the planet. The bushy eyebrow closet fag couldnt even handle working at a gas station.

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It's not even worth debating climate change anymore. Clean energy will soon be cheaper than fossil fuels.

Coal is already too expensive compared to natural gas. In small chunks of the world, solar is already more cost efficient than fossils. You can remove all environmental protections, and clean energy will still win out within 10 years. And within 20 years from now, I'm confident we'll solve many of the scaling and reliability issues of clean energy, and within 30 years I believe we can be at 90+% clean energy.
90% "clean" :lol: What a retard's dream.

What do you think ships and trucks will run off of?

p.s. Solar isn't clean.
Quick someone tell me the difference between an accord and a treaty! I'm confused and scared.
It's not even worth debating climate change anymore. Clean energy will soon be cheaper than fossil fuels.

Coal is already too expensive compared to natural gas. In small chunks of the world, solar is already more cost efficient than fossils. You can remove all environmental protections, and clean energy will still win out within 10 years. And within 20 years from now, I'm confident we'll solve many of the scaling and reliability issues of clean energy, and within 30 years I believe we can be at 90+% clean energy.

Yap. Europe, Russia and Gina will be gareat. Can't wait for that moment (=

Russia backs the Paris agreement on climate change as Donald Trump set to announce US decision | The Independent

Too bad these TW babyboomers won't be around to testimony the rise of the Euroasian Type III Civilization.

But they did good not allowing a woman to rule them. And for that, I'm forever grateful.
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All Trump really cares about is everybody's paying attention to him 24/7/365. One day soon he will poop on his wife on camera, then he snaps his fingers and says "Aristocrats!"
i put a lot of value in countries making meaningless agreements for show and then pulling out of meaningless agreements for show
And yet they are still allowing something of this magnitude:
Carmichael coal mine - Wikipedia

At peak capacity the mine would produce 60 million tonnes of coal a year. In court, Adani said it expects the mine to produce 2.3 billion tonnes over 60 years.[3] It would be the largest coal mine in Australia and one of the largest in the world.[4] The mine would be the first of a number of large mines proposed for the Galilee Basin and would facilitate their development.

and why the fuck are they allowing an Indian company to dig this up in Australia? The kickbacks must be huge.

Not to mention the $900 million loan the government are giving them to facilitate this shit. Who the fuck does that rail line benefit except a bunch of fucking shitskin land rapists?

Climate change and coal burning only matters if white people are doing it.

Hazelwood power station to close in March 2017

The French majority owners of Australia’s most notoriously “dirty” power station, Hazelwood, have confirmed the Victorian station and its mine will close at the end of March 2017.

"Dirty" coal burning power stations are not OK - unless we can supply the third world to power them
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