[OFFICIAL] The USA have the biggest fucking imbecile for President

This.... this is creepy!

Pelosi said:
Paris Peace Accord

“When we work with evangelical communities, we put together our climate legislation ten years ago, nine years ago,” she continued. “They had their literature which said that we had a moral responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation, and in doing so, we must pay special attention to the needs of the poor. I saw it as an environmental justice issue as well in the evangelical community. When the pope went to the White House, he talked about the dangers of air pollution when he was here. Just last week, the pope met with President Trump and gave him a copy of his encyclical, which made the strong case to halt the climate crisis. The pope wrote the climate is a common good belonging to all and meant for all. The Bible tells us to minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us and that is what we are doing by walking away from this accord.”

Nature worship & Sun worship. The corner stones of ancient Babylonian religion. We need no more proof that the theory of man-made climate change is a State sanctioned religion.

And then we see so called Christian sects which are actually government controlled cults, operating under a 501(c)(3) corporation, fighting back against Trumps decision.

Climate accord pullout dismays United Methodists church leaders

United Methodist bishops and other Christian leaders objected to President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris accord on climate change.

The bishops urged Trump and other U.S. leaders to reconsider the decision, while also calling on Christians to prioritize climate justice.

“The decision further isolates the United States from critical and essential climate and energy use conversations and negotiations.”

“Now it is all the more urgent for us to work in our communities and in the corporate sector to make the needed changes,” she said.

“This is a tragedy, missing an opportunity to show real, accountable leadership for the future of humanity and our common home,” said the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, top executive of the World Council of Churches. “This is a decision that is not morally sustainable — and not economically sustainable either. The struggle for climate justice has to continue.”

Trump's copped out of Paris: so it's up to us Christians to make the climate deal a success


The Church's role is unequivocal; millions of the world congregation of Jesus believers are already daily being hit hardest by the consequences of climate change. Their livelihoods are dependent on the land; if the rain doesn't fall or falls too much, their crops are ruined. And if it rains and doesn't stop, they're forced from their homes. Their daily prayers are for survival in a shifting and fluctuating landscape.

As Christians, we have a God-given mandate to look after creation; we are family with those suffering the impact of our own consumeristic, disposable lifestyles. This isn't an isolated issue; it's far reaching, unruly and must be tackled universally. We can't afford to focus inwards; we must continue to work outwards with others to change our habits and mindsets, to find new, radical solutions.

There is much to celebrate in the movement for climate justice and the Church is increasingly playing a leading role in this groundswell of support for an environmental revolution.

Unholy tongues of fire


As I read the lectionary texts assigned for this coming Sunday (especially Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23) in light of this disastrous decision, it’s as if the images of Pentecost have been twisted into some kind of dystopian nightmare. Tongues of fire, the wind of the Holy Spirit, and the very breath of God – all of which have holy significance as symbols of the divine – are tainted by the images of the fossil fuel industry to which Trump is attempting to shackle us.

And Trump’s middle finger to the rest of the countries that have committed to the Paris Climate Accord is in direct violation of the kind of international cooperation enacted on Pentecost Sunday.

etc. etc.

Separation of Church IN State is very important to an open and free society.

And just as important, is the separation of State IN Church.

We need to shut down all churches operating under a 501(c)(3) corporation.
Charities enjoy their tax free status if they don't engage in political activities. Lobbying for reduced oil usage could cross that rather nebulous line.

The goals, while on paper... who would be against those? Who wouldn't want to end poverty, global hunger or global wide access to clean water? Aren't these things we as humans want to see happen to fellow human beings? Although, we see what happens when politicians get involved in water as in the case with Flint, Michigan or what has happened to the quality of food in America since the politicians have given control of the food supply to the so called watch-dog, protector of man... the FDA.

But Good Health and Well-being? How is that possible since cancer has increased in America 100 fold in the past 80 years? Idiot Americans give their hard earned dollars to the cancer industrial complex in hopes of finding a 'cure' to cancer when Americans should be asking, "Why have cancer rates increased to unbelievable numbers in the past 80 years?" Or, "Why has Autism ballooned to unbelievable number in the past 40 years?" We have only gotten sicker and sicker and we are to believe they can help the entire global population?

Quality Education? Give me a break. The State can't teach black people to do the most basic elementary life skills but they believe they can teach the whole planet with their spoon fed propaganda, common-core and test taking skills? :lol:

Gender Equality? Islam.

Affordable and Clean Energy? Multinational corporations that control the worlds governments can clean up their own shit without forcing us to pay them to clean up their shit. This is nothing but corporate welfare.

Decent Work and Economic Growth? Decent? WTF does that actually mean? Decent to an American is something totally different to an African. But this is something that will be determined by a central planning department.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure? Controlled by a central planning department; means productions. Everything will be dictated by the State.

Reduced Inequalities? Completely Marxist. Make everyone live equally as bad as the worst person and everyone suffers equally. Except of course, the royal bloodlines.

Sustainable Cities and Communities? Controlled by a central planning department. Private property becomes illegal and all property is controlled by the State - except for the royal bloodlines.

Responsible Consumption and Production? Controlled by a central planning department; means of productions and consumption. Everything will be dictated by the State.

Climate Action? Controlled by a central planning department; means of productions and consumption and all property is controlled by the State.

Life Below Water? I... hrm?

Life on Land? All land, all property is controlled by The State. No-go zones for human beings.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions? WHAT?

Partnerships for the Goals? Global Order.
Reduced inequalities != Marxism or everyone lives the same.

You've made good points. I don't know how to institute those goals - some of them are pie in the sky bs and I take them with a grain of salt, but most are laudable goals and necessary for peace. Right? :confused:
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Study: Quarter of world's population could face permanent drought if Paris deal goals aren’t met

More than one-quarter of the world's population could live in a state of drought by 2050 if the goals of the Paris climate agreement are not met, according to a new study.

The study, in the journal Nature Climate Change, finds that if the Earth's temperature goes up by 2 degrees Celsius by 2050, more than 25 percent of the world's population would live in a state of drought, The Washington Examiner reported.

“Our research predicts that aridification would emerge over about 20-30 percent of the world’s land surface by the time the global mean temperature change reaches 2ºC," said Manoj Joshi, lead researcher from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.

"But two-thirds of the affected regions could avoid significant aridification if warming is limited to 1.5ºC.”

The Paris climate agreement has a goal of making sure global average temperatures don't rise 2 degrees Celsius.
Yes, because, taxing the American citizens $100,000,000,000 a year to give to the corporations polluting the planet, instead of those corporations cutting their emissions on their own, 1 billion people are going to be in a drought, while the WTO allows mega water corporations to move into these foreign nations that are delinquent in payments made on loans they could never repay, and take all their water, bottle it, and sell it back to the people.

Oh and, its all the United States fault. Apparently, none of the other countries are capable of ponying up the $100 billion a year to magically offset the Global Warming as a result of multi-national corporations which, mind you, are not in the US due to artificially inflated corporate taxes and EPA regulations denying America to make whatever it is.

we all dying from no paris deal

not 17% of global population increase now coming from Africa (last year)

and upwards of 33% of global population coming from Africa by as soon as 2025


anubis living that dream life

collecting star wars toys to hand off to refugee kids before he dies
yes, i just did it

i said it on the internet

let the kids starve

stop allowing sleazy motherfuckers to use them as emotional leverage and human shields for their own profit -- let them die
yes, i just did it

i said it on the internet

let the kids starve

stop allowing sleazy motherfuckers to use them as emotional leverage and human shields for their own profit -- let them die

