mitch fan thread

I had not really considered how mitch deals with fans. Obviously your standard floor fans are out, even oscillating ones would not be classy enough. It's gotta be ceiling fans. Not sure how he deals with the chain pulls though. Maybe a step ladder, less dangerous than a really long chain. I suppose they have remotes now that can be stored in reachable locations.
No, he's saying YOU are learning them at TW. The rest of us knew to find out how much gas costs or which browsers are popular a long time ago.
This morning, I had a bowel movement.
I have one every morning after getting up and making some coffee.
It was a normal BM. Not too hard or soft.
I rate it as a perfectly average poop.
Except it weighted 15lb.

I would estimate the total weight of the poop at less than 1 pound. It was mostly made of a large bowel (see what I did there) of chicken tikka masala and rice from early last night. And a couple of clementines.
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No, he's saying YOU are learning them at TW. The rest of us knew to find out how much gas costs or which browsers are popular a long time ago.

Look fucktard, i asked the users of TW how much gas is in THEIR areas. Get that shit-for-brains? Do you know where everyone lives in TW so that you could just look it up on the internet? No you don't. Well now it should be abundantly clear to that alcohol soaked gray matter between your ears as to WHY i made a post on fucking discussion board, asking about gas prices in the areas of the users.

Do you need me to get some crayons and draw that out for you?
I picture a mitch fan to be belt driven, like his slaves.
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When do you guys think midge learned to stop starting stories with the words "When I was little..."?