[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I've never seen one that was hand drawn before or since
you mean this? I looked at that gif you posted (or whatever) yeah it looks like someone amended it with a sharpie after print to the west path.

Is that what this is all about?
Not the first time. I am disappointing a lot of people who said I was turning this into a Trump forum and I prosecute people who disagree with me.

Oh and I am a forum Nazi because I temp banned 1 person and banned dare.

(Heil Trump)
I mean, you really should pay attention to Sharpie Gate Scoobz
Because the weather is completely predictable
by our government officials and Trump shouldn't have added any other warning to it

Now this drivel below
completely dismissable and unimportant

Chuck Schumer’s second attempt to advance a sweeping border package failed by a wider margin than the first time, with increased opposition among both Republicans and Democrats.

Senate campaign arms have already been hitting the other side on the predictable outcome, hoping to blame problems at the border on the opposing party. Biden administration officials have telegraphed that the president will soon take executive action to address border issues ahead of the November election....
soon, SOON Robbin'It will take executive action!!! to reverse everything he's done and bring back Trump policies .... soon
Border Bill hahahaha would have allowed ONLY 5000 illegal invaders in per month.... holy fuck. They called that a Border Bill hhhahahaha
Mamram read zerohedge from his phone in the home depot parking lot and thought he was an expert on foreign policy 🤡🤡🤡

he's been shook ever since

hide ur screen bro boss might walk by

cubicle dork rage :LOL: imagine being this upset because ppl use your real name on here
hide ur screen bro boss might walk by

cubicle dork rage :LOL: imagine being this upset because ppl use your real name on here
manram bragged that his wife was a secretary at the local real estate office

🤣 that's why he's so womanly and emo they reversed roles🤰👭