[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

He's showing (and even says) thats what was originally projected. The below map came later...pretty much the same thing.

So the idiots of the world are giving him shit for warning people in the path of a hurricane based on spaghetti models, that every weather service on the planet agreed with, and think they have a 'gotcha' moment. And had he not given them warning all the liberal dingleberries would be screaming that he didn't give everyone warnings.


  • dorian-144746_most_likely_toa_34_wide-e85991d38ad519c0238eb849ca5becc85700d02c.png
    85.8 KB · Views: 2
And now you see the projected track 'bro'...you know...the information a guy like the POTUS would have before it gets put to the public.

It's time to end your Reservations
about cartels
They cannot control or govern themselves
severed the globalist is mad at me after I pointed out mike "maga" johnson was a rhino globalist and he :phone: phoned in support for him like a senile simp



some simps never learn
No I'm mad at you because you keep projecting weird stuff on why I wanted McCarthy out and keep simping for globalist perversion.
I mean you simped for him and he supported Ukraine just like I said he would :shrug:

What was I wrong about? You owe me an apology severed!


sad! simping never wins
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He's showing (and even says) thats what was originally projected. The below map came later...pretty much the same thing.

So the idiots of the world are giving him shit for warning people in the path of a hurricane based on spaghetti models, that every weather service on the planet agreed with, and think they have a 'gotcha' moment. And had he not given them warning all the liberal dingleberries would be screaming that he didn't give everyone warnings.
You're wasting your breath. It was obvious this was the case the first time the wanna-be scientists were laughing about it.

They seem to think that 2'x3' poster wasn't actually printed, but a real-time graphic pulling data live from NOAA's hurricane tracking database. :lol: