[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2


Jack Smith is oh-so-concerned about the “safety” of the poor (heavily armed) FBI agents. Yet he seems utterly unconcerned that Trump and his family could have been endangered by that absurd raid, where agents had “deadly force” orders. Doesn’t add up. So, what’s really bothering Special Counsel Jack Smith? It appears he’s more worried about keeping certain things under wraps than the lives of any law enforcement officials. The whining and game-playing from these regime puppets knows no bounds…
That's standard in all raids.
It was also in Biden's. Was Biden arranging to get himself assassinated?

Trump also wasn't home at the time. The agents were met by Trump's lawyers because... They told them ahead of time and arranged for this event.

You been played
That's standard in all raids.
It was also in Biden's. Was Biden arranging to get himself assassinated?

Trump also wasn't home at the time. The agents were met by Trump's lawyers because... They told them ahead of time and arranged for this event.

You been played
lmao okay bro

please show me a good, reliable source that says that trump's lawyers and trump himself received a courtesy call a day before the raid to allow trump to get to new york before the fbi raided mar-a-lago.

you're so full of shit.
Speaking of full of shit.
I said Trump wasn't home.
I didn't say they were called a day before.

That's the lie you've inserted
There were many things 'not standard' about the raid on Mar A Lago

Like what?
That may be so, if you can demonstrate it, but the clause about being able to use deadly force if the agent's life is threatened is bog standard.
As i mentioned it was in Biden's too. Because it's in all search warrants.
keep up
ByeDone was called and alerted a day before
But not Trump
The raids were not even close to similar
useful idiot
keep up
ByeDone was called an alerted a day before
But not Trump
The raids were not even close to similar
useful idiot
Of course the executive is notified of executive branch action.
Trump knew it would happen because that's what happens when you resist subpoena. The lawyers knew and warned Trump this would happen.

When you say not close to similar do you mean one was voluntary and the other wasn't?
Wow even when you put the quotes next to each other you're still too intellectually dishonest to see it.

"Ahead of time" !"the day before"
Wow even when you put the quotes next to each other you're still too intellectually dishonest to see it.

"Ahead of time" !"the day before"
oh, i see, so the fbi agents had arranged the exact date with trump lawyers to politely raid mar-a-lago months before, not the day before, gotcha.

i'm just looking for your proof, bro.
You asked and I brought you one of the few people reading documents and uncovering truths.
She says it as succinctly as anyone can.

you are a willfully ignorant troll
the only way the left can act in their arguments
Yes 'democracy is at stake'
So much of the chaos, danger, and injustice we’re witnessing these days can be traced back to one thing: The Binder. That’s right, it’s a binder brimming with top-secret documents that reveal Obama and his regime cronies attempted a full-blown coup against the Republican presidential candidate, who later became the President of the United States. When the bad guys can’t hide in the shadows anymore, pretending to be something they’re not, and they’re fully exposed, the jig is up. Everything they’ve worked for, schemed for, lied for, and bribed for crumbles away. All their hopes for future power grabs, great resets, and replacement theories go flying out the window. That’s why it’s crucial for these political tyrants to keep the mask on, nice and tight, and happily use “deadly force” on anyone who threatens to rip it off.

That’s exactly what Bannon and lawyer and former Justice Gorsuch clerk Mike Davis discussed on War Room recently, after it was revealed, thanks to Judge Cannon, that the FBI had the authority to use “deadly force” in their Mar-a-Lago raid.

According to the Globalist Deep State

We’ve been all over this “secret binder” story and recently published a piece highlighting just how far the regime lapdogs would go to get it back.


Where’s the binder? That’s the burning question echoing through the swampy marshes of DC, and it’s been hanging in the air for some time. Rumor has it, this binder is packed with the real story behind the Russia Hoax—a narrative that deviates sharply from the widely reported “tip” originating from our Australian pals. Insiders suggest this saga didn’t kick off on some whim but was a coordinated effort by the CIA, Obama, and the FBI. CNN, of course, spins it as a dossier uncovering Russia’s plot to meddle in elections. Yet, the buzz among those in the know hints it’s more about how the US played its own hand in the 2020 election meddling saga.
A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.
Its disappearance, which has not been previously reported, was so concerning that intelligence officials briefed Senate Intelligence Committee leaders last year about the missing materials and the government’s efforts to retrieve them, the sources said.
In the two-plus years since Trump left office, the missing intelligence does not appear to have been found.
The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.
The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.
That binder is thought by many to be in President Trump’s possession, and that’s the real reason the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago.
Steve Bannon and Mike Davis are on the same page: Joe Biden’s handlers orchestrated everything that happened at Mar-a-Lago in an effort to shield Obama and the entire regime apparatus from exposure due to the documents President Trump possessed

To many, it’s undeniable—they believe that in today’s dystopian America, our shameful and disgraced three-letter agencies would likely relish the opportunity to use deadly force against President Trump, solving their biggest problem once and for all. However, their lingering fear of the American people holds them back. They know that pushing too hard could cause the entire foundation to crumble. It’s not a risk they’re willing to take. Yet…
Uh..the democrats did not pay a foreign government to falsify information. The Steele dossier was initiated by GOP candidates, and it was bullshit made up by a former MI6 operative named Christopher Steele. Democrats later picked it up after republicans let it drop when Trump was going to be the obvious candidate