[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

In Washington D.C. where the person introducing President Trump says '...now none of us here are fans of Donald Trump...' and then proceeds to mock him...
My President has Ballz of Steel

Their banner says UngovernAble with the A being an anarchist sign...
oh, i see, so the fbi agents had arranged the exact date with trump lawyers to politely raid mar-a-lago months before, not the day before, gotcha.

i'm just looking for your proof, bro.
Lol. Now you're dishonestly claiming that I said they arranged an exact date. When what I said is they were warned ahead of time.

You really can't help but insert nonsense into your interpretation, huh?

A senior official briefed on Monday's events told ABC News that the Secret Service was notified by the FBI a short time before agents arrived that they would be coming. The Secret Service validated the search warrant and facilitated entry into the residence, in accordance with a court order, the official said. Secret Service agents were not involved in the search.
