[London] No power for you.

you have proved time and time again that you lie as compulsively as most people breathe


That was only because I was still in the closet. However I am no longer in that closet and I have no problem with admitting I am gay. :sunny:

Tehvul is a weird sort of lucid, coherent crazy at the moment. Change of meds?

Keep the meds I'll take my chances with my glass of tea. If I'm more off than usual it's because I haven't slept in the last 24+ hours. X Flares always prevent me from sleeping. I am going to go outside barefoot in a bit so I can ground myself in order to get some rest. My mind is tired but my body is like GO TEHVUL GO!
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That was only because I was still in the closet. However I am no longer in that closet and I have no problem with admitting I am gay. :sunny:

actually i was thinking mostly of the uncountable times you have quit TW forever

no one here will ever believe anything you say :shrug: probably not a big deal for you i suppose, because you just lie out of habit rather than to gain anything
Whatever makes you feel better. :shrug:

This just in. London power grid under terrorist attack.

Bullshit. No "terrorist" turned off the lights in London. One person in London can do that. The Queen. Also before any of the idiots say "The Monarchy is just for show now" I say wake up you sleepy zombie.
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She has her finger on the switch - it's installed on the side of her throne you know.

You should do a little sun eating while grounding yourself it might help.
That was only because I was still in the closet. However I am no longer in that closet and I have no problem with admitting I am gay. :sunny:

Keep the meds I'll take my chances with my glass of tea. If I'm more off than usual it's because I haven't slept in the last 24+ hours. X Flares always prevent me from sleeping. I am going to go outside barefoot in a bit so I can ground myself in order to get some rest. My mind is tired but my body is like GO TEHVUL GO!
I'm glad you have accepted yourself Tehvul. Best wishes in your future endeavors.

(I can't sleep either)
lol this thread

p funny how 'hey man being and doin x would be cool' comes out as 'yo i been doin x for 20 years, man and boy, hardest game in the world'
daily mail article linked in the OP doesnt have a date on it

googled last sentence ("There is no power in a lot of stations and no trains running in the whole of south London," he said.)

linked straight to this, which linked back to the original DM article but with a twist

UPDATE: ALERT! LONDON GRID DOWN! “LIVE & HAPPENING NOW” . . . I found a November 11, 2013 date? ? ? | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?
I’m really skittish about offering bad info, but I did find a date on the site where this was published: Monday, Nov 11 2013 3AM Click Here to link to the story!!

The video has been removed by the user. . . .I’ve seen several stories like this, but none with a good date. ~J

for reference: the 'date' at the top is for TODAY'S WEATHER, i.e. IT WILL ALWAYS SHOW TODAY'S DATE (it's not a fucking print newspaper it's a website)

Breaking - Blackout the TV show for real? Travel chaos as power cut hits London

godlike productions :lol: same article, yesterday

the funny thing? It's almost exactly the same as an article from 2003 that keeps on popping up

The 7 -- Blackout in London

Power cut cripples London - Culture & Society

Power cut causes London travel chaos - Telegraph

Power Cuts: First America, now Britain. Whats going on? - Stormfront

exact same phrasing and information in statements from sources between the mail and telegraph articles, with a little room for house style


telegraph 2003 said:
A spokesman for electricity network operator EDF Energy said: "We have lost supplies to large parts of south London in the last few minutes as a result of a National Grid failure supply in the south London area.

mail said:
A spokesman for electricity network operator EDF Energy said: "We have lost supplies to large parts of south London in the last few minutes as a result of a National Grid failure supply in the south London area.

mail said:
London Underground said the power failure was having a "serious" impact on the whole of the network. Rail services from major stations including Victoria, London Bridge and Waterloo were also affected.

telegraph said:
Overland services have also been hit with no trains running in the south of the capital and all major stations including Victoria, London Bridge and Waterloo having their electricity cut.

you little conspiracy girls get together and brew up some bullshit

the fact that it's all over 'certain' types of forums, from icke's to godlikeproductions to fucking stormfront unfortunately puts paid to your (frankly baffling) claims as to some weird journalistic scoop, and the fact that the only real possibilities here are that 1) 'you've' (haha) managed to find some 10 year old article and mistaken it as being from right now, or 2) you're going RABBLERABBLERABBLERABBLERABBLE about something SO FUCKING MOMENTOUS AND EARTH-SHATTERING that THE EXACT SAME THING happened 10 years ago and you forgot about it
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o actually haha, i read down 1 or 2 posts in that godlike productions thread and they're already calling the OP a fucking idiot w/ a 'o yay this thread again' and pasting shit from 2010

gj journalist redders you might want 2 stick 2 the ghostwriting rap lyrics for famous ppl delusion