[London] No power for you.

London. Power out.

Travel chaos as power cut hits London

London Underground said the power failure was having a "serious" impact on the whole of the network. Rail services from major stations including Victoria, London Bridge and Waterloo were also affected.

A Tube spokesman said: "There has been a National Grid failure which has affected the underground. At the moment we are assessing the impact of that but it is having a serious impact on the whole system at the moment."

He added: "It's also having an effect on some of our buildings. Certainly quite a lot of the network appears to be affected."


- London loses power.
- The USA is next.
- Profit?
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The London Underground runs on pit ponies and grubby children.

This is a sham to enable the US to waste millions doing their bullshit 'terror' testing (meanwhile their kids are starving and on drugs)
im asking my buddy who lives in london if this is true
we'll see

I would not have posted it had I not been able to vet the story myself. The power was out when I posted this thread.

Used the info found in the link and I checked the arrival/departure at the Waterloo Station and no data. Checked another station and nada as well. Checked the web cams in the areas affected, and they were dead. Also confirmed via peeps there via FB and twitter.

Reported to TW, and reported my findings to one of the reporters from infowars along with info about a story I have been working for 2 years. Despite the fact most all of you are real cunts to me I still think you all should know wtf is going on. :shrug:


must suck to live in london at night with no power.. all those niggs and muslism can't be seen

Bruh those Muslims there are on some level next crazy shit and have no respect for the country that took them in. Fuck those losers. They represent something that has little if any resemblance to real Islam.
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I have always enjoyed journalism. I believe the information people receive in matters that matter be factual and free of personal opinion unless I am writing an editorial type of article. The fact I hold no allegiance to one political party or religious group helps me in that regard because I have no bias.

I am seriously considering studying Journalism in a formal manner to be perfectly honest. Freelance of course. That way none of my e-stalkers can get me fired over dumb stuff I did years ago.

Now back to topic London's drill went live so lets see how the USA fares.
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Can you link to some of your previous articles?

Sounds interesting!
If TW behaved itself I wouldn't mind at all. However TW has proved time and time again TW behaves about as good as a hungry feral dog in heat.