How long could you last in prison?

I've been in jail twice: 12 and 16 hour stays, respectively. First was the Scott County Jail in Minnesota. I had the cell to myself and got out about 12 hours later. The 2nd was Hennepin County (also Minnesota) and that was an absolutely miserable experience.

First I got booked and had to sit in a row of chairs, much like you see on the TV shows. Then I was sent to a larger holding cell with about 20 guys... of all ages and races. After that I was moved to the community cell. Picture an octagon and each side is a cell shared by two people. At 6am they came and delivered breakfast - squishy pancakes and sausages. No silverware. At 7am you had to go back into your cell until 10. At 10 you got let out for an hour where you could watch TV or make a collect call. At 11 you went back in until 1230 when lunch was served. Hot dogs - worst I've ever had. At 227pm I was let out.

On my way out, I was escorted by a guard and walked by a different community cell. This one was filled with close to 20 black kids and they had all used their bedding to dress up like Superman. Capes, pants, cuffs, and all... they were jumping up and down on tables and honestly, I mean this with no racist intention - they looked like a bunch of wild monkeys. It was at that moment that I said "never again."

Today I watch the prison shows as reminders about what could easily happen to me and each show gives me the chills, sends vivid images of my nights in the slammer to the front of my brain, and stuns me that I only was in twice for little more than 24 hours.

How much prison time could I stand? Nothing. If jail was *that* bad in my mind for such a short time, prison would be a living nightmare and I question what acts I could commit that would justify a willingness to rot in a place like that... yikes.
Oh please. If things get to hot I'd just escape. I would take on the job of taking the garbage out on rainy days. When the guards aren't paying attention (no one wants to get wet) I'd escape through the ventilation shaft by stopping a rotor and climb to the roof. Once on the roof I'd crawl through a deadly electrical substation and zip-line over the fence with only my belt as trolley. Probably kill some people on my way there to.

We can team up for a bad ass escape. I'm used to the rain, so I'm game. Or maybe we'll wait for a winter blizzard or something else crazy.

Also, if I went on a crime spree, I'd be buying one of these masks to try and avoid recognition. I'd put it on for the crime and when it was over, bam I'd toss it off and no one would be any the smarter. Though I know people have done similar things in the past - I would learn from their mistakes.

i don't think they have weights available in high security.

they are banned from all prisons now. They use to be in high security prisons before tho. Thats how i met my lifer buddy. use to go work out with him everyday after work... in 8 months i was the strongest i ever been in my life.

BTW county and prison are two totally different worlds.

you gotta understand the people who are in county are not gonna be there forever and that changes how people act. In prison that IS those peopels homes for a LONG time.
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the whole time

i have a friend in federal prison right now and talk to him every couple of months. he says it's really boring and nothing exciting happens.

Federal prison is like a country club compared to most state's prisons. Many people in the Feds are in for white collar crimes or "Federal" amounts of drugs. However, Feds and State are both mindlessly boring. It's fucking prison. Do you really need someone to tell you that doing the same things all day every day for years is boring? :nuts:

I've heard about that too, make someone your bitch, or become one.

Choice is yours home slice.

:lol: @ the OP.

If you're going to make a thread about a hypothetical situation, at least know the simple basics of the subject you're talking about instead of spouting some shit based on movies, TV shows, and rumors. There was a thread someone started like a month ago and I put a lot of random prison info in it from my time.

I could last until I died. Once you learn how to do time, (some people never learn, and those are the ones that will eventually get killed, as I believe you would) you just do it. Most men with a reasonable amount of common sense can come in, observe, defend themselves and their property when they have to, and learn how to "do time".
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Depends on how long I was in for.

If it was a year or two I could make do, bide my time, and be ok.

If it was for the rest of my life, I would only make it if I had books and access to writing materials. If there was no way I would ever (1) have a family, or (2) make some form of lasting imprint on society I'd probably Crtl-K
Depends on how long I was in for.

If it was a year or two I could make do, bide my time, and be ok.

If it was for the rest of my life, I would only make it if I had books and access to writing materials. If there was no way I would ever (1) have a family, or (2) make some form of lasting imprint on society I'd probably Crtl-K

your not gonna make some lasting imprint on society without going to prison so.......
i made a thread similar to this one last year but i did it after watching a movie called Felon.

its well worth watching IMO.
one of my buddys did 1 year in a low security prison and he said it was kick back. sure there was a couple fights but no murders or riots or anything real crazy.

another of my buddys who shot someone did 8 years at solidad and he said an inmate was killed by the guards the first day he showed up.

regardless both of them came out of prison worse people

one who was half bladck and half white (guy who shot someone) came out a muslum. The other guy (white) came out a racist motherfucker

you know what's fucked up? my friend in prison got 7 years for marijuana and mdma trafficking across state lines. your friend SHOT SOMEONE and got a longer sentence by only one year. speaks volumes about how ridiculous the War on Drugs is.

but yea, he basically says someone will get their ass whooped every once in a while but for the most part he just reads and keeps a low profile.
Felon only got a 62% on RT... even so i'm checking on netflix now to see if i can stream it. i like prison movies - if you can get past reading subtitles there's a good french one called "a prophet" (it got a 97% on RT) that one i know is on instant watch, or at least it was a few weeks ago.
Sadly I've done about 1 year in total in a low security & in county jail. It sucks, woke my ass up, and I made a vow I will never return, but if shit where to hit the fan, I would never want to spend another day in county jail EVER!

I was in for:
Felony Assault with intent to cause bodily harm ( after 8 months of court and fighting it I had it dropped for self defense)
Resisting arrest (dropped to obstructing) (fucking cop put me in cuffs then slammed my face into a 1979 F150 in my front yard, and I shoved back then got tackled by 3 other cops)
Driving with license suspended (didnt know it was suspended)


huge surprise
you know what's fucked up? my friend in prison got 7 years for marijuana and mdma trafficking across state lines. your friend SHOT SOMEONE and got a longer sentence by only one year. speaks volumes about how ridiculous the War on Drugs is.

but yea, he basically says someone will get their ass whooped every once in a while but for the most part he just reads and keeps a low profile.

this was in 1994. he got sentenced a few months before they changed the laws on the % of time they have to serve. he was actually sentenced to 18 years and he was released at 8 years time served.

BTW the guy he shot did not die.

and my buddy said the same thing.. keep to yourself dont get involved in stupid shit ... like gambling and you dont have to many issues.
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