How is this cop not a murderer?

They could've like...asked the people if there was a guy in there.

Would both of them be willing to lie?

Despite just asking if anyone else was in the room. Clearing them, and then checking the room...

The cops were total fucking idiots.
o shit it's kkkombo tyme

the prophet project pat will b the source of our inspiration

i used 2 kno this nigga who got punked out after every class
he was a bitch in school and now he tote a gun and badge
put on a uniform and now he think he's super bad
man, fuck you, bitch you still can lay to rest under the grass
i do not give a fuck b/c u are a officer
i'll put u in ur coffin, sir
u fuckin were a slaughterer
"Why didn't the cops just walk up to him on the floor?!"

Yeah. Those fucking morons. How dare they not put themselves in potential firing path of the hotelroom door because some idiot was waving w gun outside a window months after the worst mass shooting ever... from a hotel window.


p.s. I actually agree that the officer didn't do a good job as deescalating the situation. Where I and other intelligent people disagree on is that it's not like the cops just decided to go kill someone that night. The suspect created that situation.


I just watched it again

if your hands go down we're going to shoot you... crawl towards me

my gut tells me the cop really wanted to kill someone but that isn't something provable or relevant so scratch that

so murder 2 almost given every state is different about what charges can be filed, found or downgraded by the was manslaughter even on the table? any other charges? he seems at least criminally negligent in some capacity given the strange commands but maybe it wasn't possible given the murder 2 charge.
it's fun to play armchair courthouse on tw with a bunch of IT nerds but it would be interesting to hear an Arizona lawyer weigh in. wrongful death liability is definitely a next step I would assume.
i want to know if it was deliberate or not that the prosecutor went for murder 2 knowing it would flop

instead of going voluntary manslaughter w/ criminal negligence knowing no jury could dispute that
legal jargon aside

who wants to live in a country with cops like that? seriously

I mean yeah, you got guns all over the place so you gotta have armed police ready to deal with shit...but if you're giving them that much power, you gotta hold them to some higher standards ;o
Not speaking about this case specifically, but since body cams became a thing I'm much more sympathetic to the jumpy policeman who made a mistake. The body cam videos where shooting is often justified are often kind of creepy because the perp is totally normal then just freaks out out of no where, and every cop who's been working long enough knows someone who died on the job.

Also, I read that of the cops who are killed with gunfire, 10% of them are killed with their own weapon.
The official police report:
Blaisford Supplemental Police Report

Excerpts from page 9:

"Brailsford further stated SHAVER 'was crawling towards us, trying to gain a position of advantage in order to gain a better firing position on us'."

He was crawling towards you because you told him to, did he forget that part? Also, for him to state the man's intent was to gain a better firing position is complete bullshit since he obviously wasn't because he was unarmed. It's one thing to think that, it's another thing to be proven wrong and then still claim that was what happened in the official report.

"Brailsford further said that it was a very scary situation because the hallway was very narrow, SHAVER had gotten very close to them to the point that he could have drawn a weapon very quickly and fired upon them 'without aiming'"

Again, because the cops told him to. They could have easily just had him stay face down with his arms out. If they were too worried to move down the hallway they could have tried talking to him. Instead they tell him to shut up or they'll shoot him. Either they are utterly incompetent, or they are trying to cover for each other. Personally, I think probably both are true.
Most cops are good cops, but like with anything there will always be bad apples. You fuck heads are throwing the baby out with the bathwater because most of you are dopers and drunks to begin with. You cop hating commies need to all be lined up against a wall and shot.

Don't engage in criminal activity, follow all commands to the T, and you won't get shot. Easy fucking peasy.

Lean live it love it!

The above facts stated I'm going to get some rest. My cop bf is coming over to ass pound me later today so Imma go rest up. Whoever you would love this guy. Anyway you all have a good one and stop being dopers.
Fuck that cop. All that kneeling and crawling stuff is bullshit. How about, "Lay on your stomach with your arms and legs spread out."? It's pretty clear he's a fucking psycopath or at the very least incompetent.