How is this cop not a murderer?

The guy who barked the orders actually fled to the Philippines :lol:
Open and shut case, why he wasn't also prosecuted and found guilty of murder is proof that there is no justice in the US.
I watched it twice.

The cop is a total shithead. 100% pure short man syndrome. Last night I got on the ground the way the cop wanted the perp to. You CAN move forward with your hands up while you are on your knees and I think just about any drunk person could do so. That said, the cop said crawl? Of course he'd have to move his hands through an area of suspicion to even do that.

The drunk guy just flat out did not know what the fuck was going on at all, and that was apparent early on.

In that small slice of time when the drunk reached his waste band to pull his pants up and the cop shot him, I can understand how that's a threatening movement. I can see why the cop shot him, and I understand why the cop got off even though he's a total shithead.

The verbal commands were nonsensical, and while cops should be threatening and authoritative, you could tell the little guy was really enjoying the short man syndrome power trip way too much for his own good. The video went on so long for this reason alone. Most any cop would shout directions at the drunk guy, sure, but it all went on for long because he enjoyed the power trip too much. Like if he never shot the guy, that moment of just pointing a gun at someone while screaming threats at the top of his lungs would be one of the few moments of his life where he felt any sense of self-confidence.

My armchair police chief verdict is let the cop off, but make sure he's never a cop again, and use that video for training purposes.
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he told him not to reach behind him

stupid drunk can't listen or focus on that

with that said ...... was he a little fast on the trigger given this guy was clearly cooperating to some degree and intoxicated?

i mean it is too much to ask for you to physically see the gun before shooting the shit out of someone

cops are that precious and rare of a commodity i am told

if this were a black guy some city would be burning right now

instead nobody, including me, gives a shit

Manslaughter for sure, not murder, no, just one of the worst trained officers in the world.

The article says his m4 had 'Get Fucked' etched into it.

Settlement will be astronomical. Clearly failure in even basic training.
I don’t feel like reading Val’s wall of posts, did he tie in liberals yet? He always tries drop the L word, especially when losing a debate or when stuck on a hill
So when the cop is shouting conflicting orders and threatening to shoot the guy who's calmly laying face down on the ground, that's the guy causing the situation, is it?
They weren't conflicting. I know your IQ is that of a spic, but they were fine. The cop may have been an over-hyped idiot, but the instructions were clear: do not lower your hands under any circumstances, keep them straight up. TWICE he failed to follow this order, RIGHT AFTER receiving it.

He's a moron.

If they're so worried about a gunman hiding at the end of the hall, why do they have no problems going down there after they shoot the guy crawling? There were six officers in the hallway. I'm pretty sure that's enough for them to proceed down the hall, secure the guy while he's face down on the ground, and cover the door at the end. They did a terrible job and it resulted in a horrible outcome. That doesn't mean all of them are terrible cops, but everything a cop does isn't automatically correct.
Right, because regardless of the training they receive, these situations are bound to happen. You can't train for every single scenario out there. That's idiotic. At best, you train for most, but under pressure, you know... real, unlike what we are doing here on internet forums, you still won't perfectly follow your training, because reality doesn't match theory.

I don’t feel like reading Val’s wall of posts, did he tie in liberals yet? He always tries drop the L word, especially when losing a debate or when stuck on a hill
:lol: Oh hey gais, i totaly dint read his post, but like, did he said liberal?! lol, amiright, fellow lefties?

What a transparent retard.
It's ok guys he was under pressure. It's normal to be an authoritarian trigger happy pig looking for blood when you're under stress. All good.
It's ok guys he was under pressure. It's normal to be an authoritarian trigger happy pig looking for blood when you're under stress. All good.
If you're a cop (lol) and some retard that you were just called out for having guns and pointing them outside of hotel windows, and you DON'T fire after the suspect repeatedly puts his hands behind his back or in his waistband, you're a retard and you'd end up another police death statistic.

It's that simple.

Either we care about the lives of officers or we care about the lives of suspects. In those split second decisions, their life is in danger.

It's called personal responsibility and following lawful instructions. That fucking retard put himself in that position by pointing his (albeit air) rifles out of the window. People that saw this and reported it, didn't know they were air rifles, for fuck's sake.

How his this fucking hard to understand? He's just as dumb as a nigger reaching down his pants after being pulled over.
Yeah I sure am glad he fired first, otherwise the sobbing drunk could've shot him with an imaginary gun
He was just trying to impress two ladies at a La Quinta Inn & Suites with his pest control pellet gun. That's the real tragedy.
Hardened criminal

Good thing we had officer Big Dick there with his AR15 ready to enforce the LAW
Yeah I sure am glad he fired first, otherwise the sobbing drunk could've shot him with an imaginary gun

Yeah, people in the street who saw him pointing rifles out of his hotel window should've know that they were just airsoft rifles.

Those fucking idiots!
getting drunk in your hotel room has serious consequences, sorry if u liberals disagree but the world just doesn't revolve around snowflakes
dang val whippin out the 'iq of a spic' and 'dumb as a nigger'

gotta make everything about race, its like all he can think about is identity politics
If you're a cop (lol) and some retard that you were just called out for having guns and pointing them outside of hotel windows, and you DON'T fire after the suspect repeatedly puts his hands behind his back or in his waistband, you're a retard and you'd end up another police death statistic.

It's that simple.

Either we care about the lives of officers or we care about the lives of suspects. In those split second decisions, their life is in danger.

It's called personal responsibility and following lawful instructions. That fucking retard put himself in that position by pointing his (albeit air) rifles out of the window. People that saw this and reported it, didn't know they were air rifles, for fuck's sake.

How his this fucking hard to understand? He's just as dumb as a nigger reaching down his pants after being pulled over.

Oh I see, so pointing an air rifle out a window means you deserve to get shot by police at some indeterminate point in the future.
getting drunk in your hotel room has serious consequences, sorry if u liberals disagree but the world just doesn't revolve around snowflakes
Yea, well, I guess being drunk is just a great excuse to just do whatever you want. Afterwards you can claim you're drunk and you aren't at fault! :lol:

dang val whippin out the 'iq of a spic' and 'dumb as a nigger'

gotta make everything about race, its like all he can think about is identity politics
Statistics matter. Spics and niggers are stupid. Niggers are far more likely to disobey a lawful command and get shot for it. They're also more likely to attempt (and succeed) at killing a cop.