California bans trans-fats

Right, because being against banning it necessarily means that I want trans fats.

We should make it illegal to call random black people NIGGERS. Oh, you're against that? Then obviously you want to go out and call random black people NIGGERS, you racist. :rolleyes:

even if you dont want to eat trans fats why in the fuck do YOU not want it banned?

I really want to know

the government finds something that is 100% useless and does nothing for anyone excpet BAD things ... why the fuck would you care if its banned?

Are you a restaurant owner and you are worried about the cost of not using trans fats ?
Don't eat at the restaurant if they use trans-fats.

It's not that fucking difficult, you pink-stained piece of shit.

you're an idiot if you think everyone should be obligated to study the ingredients of every restaurant they go to.
Don't eat at the restaurant if they use trans-fats.

It's not that fucking difficult, you pink-stained piece of shit.

That's really difficult to do. First off not every place is going to admit they're using trans fats, or the employees might not have any clue what sort of oil it is. Secondly, when just about every place uses it, it's kind of hard to avoid it.

It's like banning leaded gasoline. Noone wants to use that shit anymore because it was unhealthy and bad, so now we all use unleaded. There's no difference except the label on the pump and the fact that there aren't lead fumes everywhere. Why would you use an inferior, unhealthier product when there's something better available? Business owners do it because it's cheaper, and they don't care if your arteries get clogged or not.

And yes, immediately resort to insults when you've been made to look like a retard :lol:
I've flip flopped on the transfat issue. I'm going to take the big brother approach on this one because I'm tired of being lumped in with my larger, obese countrymen. You all can't be trusted to eat correctly and stay in shape there for the new world order is going to have to force better nutrition on you all.
dumpy is just a dumb liberal who calls any form of government protection or oversight a nanny law and expects everyone to be fully aware of the chemical composition of every ingredient in every dish they eat and the list of side effects.
its a big deal cuz its a very unhealthy and shitty alternative to normal cooking oil you idiot.

if mcdonalds released a burger that was proven to kill you in 2 days after eating it but the average person wasn't aware of this would you still whine "wah nanny law"?
There is an alternative. It's called judiciary doctrine. Set precedence in litigation by demonstrating that the trail of causation can actually be traced back to trans-fats. If that can be done, then you have judiciary doctrine that will deter companies from selling trans-fats.

Just like it's not illegal to sell a home without a gate to the pool yard ... but generally speaking, nobody is going to have a pool without a gate because the pool is an attractive nuisance, and the homeowner can face litigation even if an individual trespasses and drowns in the pool.

Seriously, this worship of the state is fucking pathetic.
why not just ban fried food altogether?

As long as they tell me it's been fried I don't see a problem with it.

If a restaurant is serving trans fat without telling people. . I guess I can kind of support this.
As long as they tell me it's been fried I don't see a problem with it.

If a restaurant is serving trans fat without telling people. . I guess I can kind of support this.
You can't figure out for yourself if something is fried?
dumpy... i should send you a steak filled with cyanide... by your logic you should be totally cool with it when you're constricting on the floor close to death.
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There is an alternative. It's called judiciary doctrine. Set precedence in litigation by demonstrating that the trail of causation can actually be traced back to trans-fats. If that can be done, then you have judiciary doctrine that will deter companies from selling trans-fats.

Just like it's not illegal to sell a home without a gate to the pool yard ... but generally speaking, nobody is going to have a pool without a gate because the pool is an attractive nuisance, and the homeowner can face litigation even if an individual trespasses and drowns in the pool.

Seriously, this worship of the state is fucking pathetic.

You Nazi. Keep the courts off our laws. It's the duty of the legislative to create the law and the executive to sign or veto it. Fuck activist courts.

Dumby Dooby is all libertarian until the government makes his fat ass eat healthy. Then he goes running to some unelected tyrant.
even if you dont want to eat trans fats why in the fuck do YOU not want it banned?

I really want to know

the government finds something that is 100% useless and does nothing for anyone excpet BAD things ... why the fuck would you care if its banned?

Are you a restaurant owner and you are worried about the cost of not using trans fats ?
I'm against banning it based on politico-economic principles. What principles of yours call for the banning of such admitted innocuous substances?

We should ban unfiltered municipal water from being sold in bottles. It's useless and it only hurts the wallets of the American public. Amend the Constitution for that shit.
You Nazi. Keep the courts off our laws. It's the duty of the legislative to create the law and the executive to sign or veto it. Fuck activist courts.

Dumby Dooby is all libertarian until the government makes his fat ass eat healthy. Then he goes running to some unelected tyrant.
Tort law isn't exactly your forte, apparently.
There is an alternative. It's called judiciary doctrine. Set precedence in litigation by demonstrating that the trail of causation can actually be traced back to trans-fats. If that can be done, then you have judiciary doctrine that will deter companies from selling trans-fats.

Just like it's not illegal to sell a home without a gate to the pool yard ... but generally speaking, nobody is going to have a pool without a gate because the pool is an attractive nuisance, and the homeowner can face litigation even if an individual trespasses and drowns in the pool.

Seriously, this worship of the state is fucking pathetic.

worshipping the state? where'd you pull that retarded logic out of. its simple science that transfats are practically poison.

and who the fuck cares about whats proven in court without punishment? it wont deter the average joe who doesnt give a shit.... and the only punishment here would be to prevent a business from using transfats which is what you're whining about in the first place.
Government should have no regulation in anything. Go Fat go cigs etc. You know what the fuck it does.