California bans trans-fats

Dumpy Dooby

Veteran X
BBC NEWS | Americas | Trans-fats banned in California

First they came for the Cigarettes, and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Cigarette.

Then they came for the Trans-fats, and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Trans-fat.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left -
to speak for me.


For those of you just tuning in, here is the totality of scientific evidence that has been presented in this thread:

Lots of idiots out there. You'll also find quite a few people claiming that trans fats are worse than any other types of fats. They're wrong.

These guys saw a 6% decrease in revenue and started getting 15 phone calls a day from their customers when they switched from those "tasteless" trans fats to those other "tasteless" not-so-trans fats.

Healthier potato chip? Better ask customers first

The mandatory-health movement is seeking to curb restaurants’ use of trans fats, often by way of lawsuit-filing (see Jun. 14) and legislation (e.g., “Alderman proposes trans fat ban”, AP/Bloomington, Ill., Pantagraph, Jun. 30, on Chicago alderman Edward Burke). So why don’t foodmakers just do the right thing and banish the offending ingredients? Parkersburg, W. Va.-based Mister Bee, the only producer of potato chips in West Virginia, found out the hard way when it replaced its hydrogenated oils with healthier cottonseed oil in its frying formula. It soon backed off after a 6 percent drop in sales and a steady flow of angry calls from buyers. The “new chip drew immediate reactions from customers who said if they wanted healthy, they wouldn’t be eating chips. Fans of the old chips said the new chip was darker in color, greasier and left an aftertaste. Mister Bee President Alan Klein acknowledged there was a ‘noticeable difference’ in the new chip’s taste after being in the package for a couple of days. The company tried modifying its recipe by using different oils, but consumers still didn’t like the new chip.” (”Customers Pan ‘Healthy’ Potato Chips”, AP/San Francisco Chronicle, Jul. 19).

Here's a San Francisco Chronicle article on it:

FDA/CFSAN - Questions and Answers about Trans Fat Nutrition Labeling

Q: Should trans fat be eliminated from the diet?

A: No. According to experts, eliminating trans fat completely from the diet would require such extraordinary dietary changes (e.g., elimination of foods, such as dairy products and meats that contain trans fatty acids) that eliminating trans fat could cause an inadequate intake of some nutrients and create health risks.

FR Doc 03-17525

After spending years reviewing all available evidence on trans fats, the FDA said in the above 260-page ruling that any fears of a public health concern from the small amounts of trans fats in our diets were not supported by the evidence. These fatty acids haven't been shown to be better or worse than any other dietary fat. The FDA expert panel specifically stated that trans fats need not be eliminated from the diet and they refused to establish a daily recommended intake due to lack of evidence.

According to this Harvard study, trans fat consumption has not changed since the 1960s.

heart disease is the leading cause of death in the united states ...
Overall mortality from heart disease has dropped by half since 1960.

Deaths by Major Causes, 1960?2005 —

Shit, there goes your theory. :lol:

fat soluble flavors are carried by any fat, same with alcohol and water soluble flavors.

Its much more complicated when you consider cooking and how food interacts with your taste buds when you eat it.

But before you go on thinking fat is tasteless
Fat taste receptor discovery could influence food formulation

The bottom line is, I noticed a big difference in flavor when my favorite junk food switched its "tasteless" fats. I'm not saying they shouldn't have switched, but I'd much rather have the choice being in my hands than the governments.

And here's a summary of my position and argument:

Not only have I demonstrated that trans fats are not less healthy than non-trans fats, I have also demonstrated that there have been reports of people noticing a difference in taste when companies switch from trans fats to alternatives, especially when the food product has been opened. Additionally, I have demonstrated that per capita consumption of trans fats in America has gone unchanged for the past 50 years while average life expectancy has gone up by 7 years and mortality from heart disease has dropped in half in that same time period.
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I don't see what the big deal is. Trans fat is just shittier, cheaper oil used to cook stuff so the restaurants can save a few bucks. You can cook the same stuff with healthier oil and it still tastes just as good.
I don't see what the big deal is. Trans fat is just shittier, cheaper oil used to cook stuff so the restaurants can save a few bucks. You can cook the same stuff with healthier oil and it still tastes just as good.
If it's not a "big deal," then why ban it?
yea this is a good thing. according to the article in the OP companys use it as a filler as well cause its tasteless

fucking robbery
If it's not a "big deal," then why ban it?

The ban isn't a big deal. Meaning, why care if they ban it? Trans-fats are fucking TERRIBLE for you. It's good that they are banning it so we don't have biggies like you roaming around putting a strain on the healthcare system.
If it's not a "big deal," then why ban it?

are you really against banning it ?

why would you really want trans fats... i can understand not caring enough to look at ingredients and not buying something because of trans fat but if it was gone all together you would not even notice it. Not like Trans Fat makes food taste better
To force restaurants to stop being cheap jews and using unhealthy oil. They're not going to stop cutting that corner until they're forced to.
Don't eat at the restaurant if they use trans-fats.

It's not that fucking difficult, you pink-stained piece of shit.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Trans-fats banned in California

First they came for the Cigarettes, and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Cigarette.

Then they came for the Trans-fats, and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Trans-fat.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left -
to speak for me.

Protecting stupid people from themselves is a function of government.
...and provide for the general weal...
are you really against banning it ?

why would you really want trans fats... i can understand not caring enough to look at ingredients and not buying something because of trans fat but if it was gone all together you would not even notice it. Not like Trans Fat makes food taste better
Right, because being against banning it necessarily means that I want trans fats.

We should make it illegal to call random black people NIGGERS. Oh, you're against that? Then obviously you want to go out and call random black people NIGGERS, you racist. :rolleyes:
its a big deal cuz its a very unhealthy and shitty alternative to normal cooking oil you idiot.

if mcdonalds released a burger that was proven to kill you in 2 days after eating it but the average person wasn't aware of this would you still whine "wah nanny law"?
its not commie at all.

its not like a ban on cigarettes cause those people enjoy.

people do not enjoy Trans Fats its nothing but a shortcut and a money saver for company's and restaurants.