people who want wolves do not understand the point of domestication.

ive met a 'domesticated' wolf.

strangely even being assured she was 'nice' i was hesitant to pet her, and im really comfortable around dogs.

you dont realize how big they are till you see the size of their head compared to a normal dog and how long their legs are. they do not look at all friendly.

that said, hes the one who told me you have to keep them away from wild wolves / wolves howling because its not a 'tamed' animal. and he had to keep it pretty much constantly on lock, no leisurely strolls down the street.
Had two wolves, well one I know was pureblood, I don't know about the other. You can't have other animals around them really. I never had issues with letting them out to run one at a time, but they'd both get into fights, and every critter nearby would be dead. Try as I may to train it out of them, shock collars don't even work.
Had two wolves, well one I know was pureblood, I don't know about the other. You can't have other animals around them really. I never had issues with letting them out to run one at a time, but they'd both get into fights, and every critter nearby would be dead. Try as I may to train it out of them, shock collars don't even work.


i'm checking on a mastiff mix friday. It's a 6 hour drive total so that'll be fun, but she is basically a lock unless the shelter be lying to my face on the emails and phones

and we're lookin at some pups tomorrow for the secondary dawg

aw yea
do understand just how fucking big they are?

they are hardly a house pet, and whether its true or not, apparently you have to have them from when theyre young and never let them near wild wolves

I would never have one where I live, currently. But no one fucks with a wolf :sunny:
dog #1


6 months old AWWwwww
my boy tek RIP. he was one of the coolest dogs ever... had hella personality and i still miss him when i open the door and hes not there sometimes
Nice dogs :) mine is psychotic I always end up with crazy ones

ive noticed the pure breds are more mentally fucked then mutts. my purebred dobie from that tat had all kinds of issues. like being scared of the water bubbles in a water thing :lol: or trying to fuck the cat :lol: