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  1. Q

    General Discussion (1181 Viewing)

    Wuts going on
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    Help me with revenge, TW.

    Revenge on neighbors, apartment living, shithead brown tenants upstairs and landlords. All fucks who deserve bad things and id like to make that happen after I escape from here for the past 6 months of hell being stuck on a lease living under a family of 5 crammed all in a two bedroom apartment...
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    Anonymous hacks Westboro Baptist FB page.
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    [PS3] Resistance 3

    Just picked this game today and played a few hours of campaign. Pretty fun so far, weapons are nice but the game seems a bit cartoony in a way... PSN = hobochange add me up br0s
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    Shitty morning

    I got up today and found that my ceiling is leaking water from the condo upstairs. The paint down the sides of the wall are bubbling and the ceiling appears to be slowly falling into the tub. So since my day will be occupied by a plumber+ condo owner coming I decided to do some work at home. I...
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    Tribes and surfboards dude!

    What was that one mod called where you could ride a surfboard and it played that surfing music? I remember you could also ride a huge a-bomb and some other goofy stuff involved in it....god that mod was fun. Know what im saying?
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    If i worked in a burger joint

    id ask every single customer that orders a cheeseburger if they wanted cheese on thier cheeseburger. I bet most of them would say yes but there would be the few who would say no.
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    When i first started playing tribes....

    I had a hard time getting into any base that was flying. Scarabrea being the hardest and id often kill myself with discs to spawn in the base (i didnt know about ctrl-k) When i was feeling strategic i would go medium with a remote station and set up minibase behind the enemy base. Complete with...
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    Just got Dragon Age

    So when do i get to bang some hot elves?
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    So i grew my own pumpkins this year, i have about 10 that me and my girlfriend have decided to start carving. Iv been looking up pumpkin carvings online and i keep getting hit by trojan downloaders. I think its the same one most of the time, the fake scanner deal. Same thing was happening while...
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    [japanese] Coffee Maker [robot]

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    ROLO McFlurry

    The few times i accualy go to mc dicks i get a rolo mcflurry. Apon investigation it apears to be nothing but a mcflurry full of un-candycoated smarties. Fuck. Now im thinking this is a totaly ripoff, or they got some retard working there sucking all the candy off smarties then putting the...
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    [JOB] Bestbuy

    There is a Bestbuy opening up soon in my city and im thinking about getting a job there. I dont have much retail experience, i worked at futureshop for about 6 months but had to quit cuz it conflicted with my classes and they wernt very flexable with my hours. Just wondering if anyones worked...
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    Bowels of HELL.

    Beer shits!! Beer shits!! Run to the crapper again Will it ever end I think I need Depends I think I've got the bends Beer shits!! Beer shits!! Sliders coming through. Farting fiery goo. Spraying out my guts This morning really sucks Beer shits that's the pits!! My sphincter's shot to hell Beer...
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    [PETA] Save Seals - Boycott Maple Syrup!

    The PETA Files: Save Seals: Boycott Canadian Maple Syrup lol....
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    [SO] I deleted my facebook

    What now?
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    Bert & Ernie

    Did they accualy sleep inthe same bed or did they have two seperate beds in the same room? Oh and gay or nay?
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    [Fuck] Cellphone stolen :[

    So im working and i put my cellphone behind the bar for less than two minutes and someone swiped my phone. I'm fucking pissed beyond belief cuz i cant help but think the asshole who took it was still getting drinks from my bar all night with my phone in their pocket....i hope he drowns in a sea...
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    crazy bitch[Story]

    Yeah so im out at the bar last night and i run into my crazy ex whos casually talking to my room mate. I walk over and say hi to her and her faggot friend tries to cock block me or something and starts shoving me. My room mate promplty throws his ass on the floor like a bitch. The guy cries and...
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    Free kids games?

    im at my uncles place im just wondering if anyone knows any sites to d/l kids games for free. Hes got 4 girls ages 4-9 just need something for them to do