[PETA] Save Seals - Boycott Maple Syrup!

while the syrup farmers have no connection to the seals, they should be boycotted anyway because they are fueling our vain cruelty toward trees.
Accualy the laws say they can only hunt seals for like 1 week of the year, only so many and only the Inuit peoples can do it.

I find this funny what does maple syrup have to do with seal hunting and how do these guys even come up with this shit and think it go over...

I wanna make a campaign against this saying "Fuck you PETA for every animal you dont eat i will eat 3 (with maple syrup on them)"
like maddox plus syrup

god that sounds sexy


Accualy the laws say they can only hunt seals for like 1 week of the year, only so many and only the Inuit peoples can do it.

I find this funny what does maple syrup have to do with seal hunting and how do these guys even come up with this shit and think it go over...

I wanna make a campaign against this saying "Fuck you PETA for every animal you dont eat i will eat 3 (with maple syrup on them)"

tree raper.
So, your plan is to punish farmers, who work hard, and have a difficult enough time making ends meet as it is, by boycotting their product because of an industry they have no involvement in.

This makes no sense.
I don't really like Maple Syrup or Canaduh that much. However this new twist with PETA is gonna force me to go out and buy some canadian maple syrup.
This is quite possibly the most retarded bouycott I've ever seen.

PETA are literally full of the biggest dumb-fucks alive. They are the scientology of Food-Lifestyle choices.